
I don’t think it’s irrelevent to include that at all. It should put the problems of frats in perspective, which is to say, of all the behavioral problems of college students, the way frats are organized might in fact be a very, very small part of the problem.

Yes, it is unreasonable to set your goalposts at zero dead people, because these are 19-20 year old students who are for the first time in most of their lives’, completely able to decide for themselves what their limits are. Invariably, some of them will overestimate those limits and wind up injured and even dead.

This is another one of those whew moments. Seeing the previews for this, I was really, really nervous that this was going to be awful. As glad as I am to see McCarthy on top, I’m also somewhat equally relieved to see Statham willing to participate in a movie lampooning the kind of movie that is his bread and butter.

George’s constant foibles while trying to navigate his relationship with her actually evolved George & Jerry’s constant scheming about women quite a bit I thought. Also, h/t to to Fighting Polish elsewhere for pointing out Jason Alexander’s more lengthy post.

Well, that was actually pretty sweet. Kudos to Jason Alexander.

Is the right answer here “both”?

Being deeply out of touch with reality does tend to have the effect of leaving you lonely.

How many incidents across how many schools and how many deaths have ocurred at events full of drunk college students that didn’t necessarily involve frats directly? I gotta be honest, only 4 college students dying amidst the insanity of college partying seems like it’s probably about par for the course.

Okay, but wow, this guy completely fails to point out that using stocks as a haven against inflation also puts you at risk if equity markets crash. We are in one of the longest bull markets in history right now. Using stocks to diversify away from inflation risk if you are an older investor is just ... yikes kind of

They’ve never boned a friend’s mom.

But what I’m saying is that publishing these many thousands of words is falling for his trap.

I mean, look, we all do this, every time with JR Smith, and then when he eventually not only tanks a game for himself, but for his team because he refuses to stop taking dicey shot after dicey shot when he’s not making them, you’ll remember why JR Smith gets consigned to background status eventually.

I always felt that after being frustrated by Jordan so many times Jerry Sloan became a shell of the coach he was in the 90s, though maybe I’m misremembering that. Or maybe Stockton to Malone was so good they made a rather mundane coach look awesome.

Yeah, this was supposed to end this way. When did Iverson ever have any semblance of control over his personal life?

When someone dies suddenly, not only is the grieving more full of shock, but the need to immediately re-arrange your life to cope with this person being gone provides everyone with constant reminders throughout the day that this person is gone. Also, I agree with what you say about it being hard for other people to

While I’m not a stay-at-home-dad, and I do have a stay-at-home wife (not because of values or beliefs, that’s just how the cookie crumbled) I’ve actually finally met a stay-at-home dad in real life who is a parent of one of the kids in the informal social group of stay-at-home spouses that my kid and wife are becoming

Yes, but to engage the legal system, you have to SUE your employer. Your employer is not required to have language in their agreement with you addressing this possibility. So in other words, Tom Brady has the exact same remedies available to him that we do, in addition to the appeals process he already has in place.

My examples are far more relevant than using the court system in this case.

An “appeal” can absolutely be the same person who passed down the initial judgment. Ask any child who has begged a parent to reconsider a punishment, or an employee who begged a boss to reconsider weekend work hours.

Well, it is an appeal if that’s the process that all parties agreed to when they negotiated how appeals would work.