What if she’s the one including herself in them?
What if she’s the one including herself in them?
Naw, you just seem to be under the impression that contracts can’t be renegotiated if all parties to them are amenable to it.
“I don’t give a fuck what a bunch of assholes think about what I wear” would have been so much simpler than going through the hassle of setting up a podcast to answer the question.
You do realize that the current labor deal in place is not actually a law, right?
But it ultimately ... kicked you in the gut. I'd also argue that when I say "muddle through" I am not referring specifically to financial survival. I'm referring to being able to, at the end of the day, be aware of what your frustrations were, roughly why you had them, and to be able to let them go for long enough to…
"Could use" and "need" are two different things.
It’s not written into the labor deal that it can’t be. It’s just that the MLBPA would veto almost any deal where on a nominal basis, A-Rod got less. Though I’m not sure they would veto this one. As you can recall, they sort of threw him to the wolves a few years ago.
I mean, that's your side of the story. From his perspective, he's clearly just trying to make sure you don't get hurt.
I’ve always figured that if someone is going to think less of me for what I am wearing, they probably are a person I wouldn’t want to ever have the misfortune of meeting anyways.
They can be re-negotiated however the parties and the PA want them to be. A-Rod would probably happily take some small cut in exchange for getting all of his money now.
They can negotiate whatever sort of buyout they and the MLBPA agree to. If he sucked, I’d bet that the Yankees would even be willing to essentially pay him out in entirety early if it got him off the roster.
That didn’t already happen like ... last week?
I think the even bigger question is whether his current levels of productivity will hold up.
Saying they wouldn’t be better off with Russ and Harden is like saying they wouldn’t be better off with Russ and Durant.
I dunno, wasn’t the issue with Harden going to be that they would have had nothing left for anything after re-signing him?
That’s how it’s gone for Russ and the Thunder all season long: Russ plays at superhuman levels of exertion, intensity, and production, and the team around him fails at everything he doesn’t do for it.
Studio Exec: You want us to greenlight the 3rd one even though we haven’t even released the 2nd one?
I don’t get why this is even a discussion. Winston may have higher potential, but his off the field bullshit smacks of problems and potential bust. Mariota’s ceiling may not be as high, but even if his “togetherness” is a facade, being able to put out the facade of it still tells people something.
It's funny that you bring up book 4 because I'm currently reading it right now in a somewhat slow read through of the series again. The plot is great. The setting is awesome. But I just read the chapter where Egwene "passes" Rand to Elayne, and it so perfectly encapsulates the problem I think most people have with…
That is true, but cedar planks are time consuming to prep for, and bulky to store in large quantities.