Goddamit. What's so hard to get about this?
Goddamit. What's so hard to get about this?
I mean, that's cute and all, but a big part of the reason to lock up someone like Darren Sharper is that, as a serial rapist, we can never be sure he's truly "rehabilitated" and as such should keep him locked up for our own safety.
Except, you know, my boss isn't making himself a hypocrite by promising me more paid time off and then not giving it to me.
I just can never bring myself to buy a mid-sized sedan.
Why does he think her system is inefficient?
I've always felt that Twitter would be a better place if most people focused more on crafting an echo chamber for themselves. I'd guess that maybe 13 people on the entire planet are capable of having a reasonable civil disagreement about something they think is important on the internet. Everyone else is incapable…
One option you missed is that he could just stop talking about wanting "character guys" so much.
I have been and am both a manager and someone who is managed.
Well, to be fair to Hansen, his point was that he's either a puppet (which Garret has denied) or he's just like his dad, who didn't give a shit what the players did off the field.
Well, they live in a city ringed by a loop named after LBJ, so there's that.
I think he's implying that it just happened to be in a list of facts Cowherd was rattling off about the state as a whole, not that Cowherd found it to be a superior feature.
I don't think anyone is disputing the football shrewdness.
Hansen's a bit harder to pin down than that I think. His opinions have never fallen cleanly on the "old traditional guard" or "new media" line that generally divides opinions among sports media types.
I think it's important to have an attitude that balances the fact that you are independent from the company and your relationship with it is "I scratch your back, you scratch mine", with the attitude that treats the company's time, money and resources as if they are your own, especially if you work somewhere that…
Yes, it would be a horrible date movie. Couldn't agree more about that.
Meh, Double Jeopardy is perfectly acceptable revenge/mystery/action fare. The fact that you watched it hoping for it to be more than that is your problem, not the movies.
There's no meaningful difference between his ability and the ability of the next guy in line,
Well, reasonable people can, because saying you'd like to dump a jar of piss and mayo on someone's head who's only crime is being a foreigner who's a bit clueless to U.S. domestic racial drama is not reasonable.
No, but it's a pretty damn good indicator that she wasn't really pissed about cultural appropriation, because cultural appropriation isn't something you tell someone you'd like to pour a jar full of piss and mayo on someone's head over.