And brush up on getting to know this Russian treasure
And brush up on getting to know this Russian treasure
Thanks for the link. I had no idea abortion was legal prior to the 20th century! I just kind of assumed that since being anti-abortion has been so linked to religiosity, that it must have always been illegal since we were even more ‘morally pure’ in the past.
I miss her so much. :(
I swear to God, if I hear one more person whine about how Hillary didn’t live up to their “oh-I’m-so-special-and-couldn’t-betray-my-values” standards I am literally going to scream. I am more angry at them than for the people who actually voted for Trump.
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“This is a little bit embarrassing for all concerned, but you have to think about it like a turkey would. You see, humans are oddly compelling creatures to a hormonal turkey. We have bare faces with interestingly positioned lumps of flesh, we gobble our speech in a way that almost sounds like Turkey, we strut about on…
These people are so damn worried about ISIS radicalizing young muslims and refugees here in the States that they’re completely ignoring the radicalization of young white men on Reddit. This is the true inside job the conspiracy nuts want. It’s really fucking brutal not living in ignorance in 2016.
Same principles can be applied to when Trump got dumped by NBC for the whole Mexicans are rapists thing then was invited to host SNL mere months later. That made me furious. It set the pattern: Trump says something vile, suffers a “consequence,” then waits it out until the consequence is revoked because media…
I was at an appointment before the election with a client who has a son who was in the same grade at the same ritzy over-priced school in the Valley that Tiffany Trump attended. Every year the school did this special event where the dads of all the fifth grade students would come to school in shorts and sneakers to…
This didn’t happen overnight, it’s been happening since 1980—even before, really, going back to Phyllis Schlafly’s dark-money-funded attack on the Equal Rights Amendment, which presented a bizarre, Kochs’-eye vision of manly men being unmanned by manly women.
Because for a lot of white folks, being called racist is offensive because in many communities being racist is white trash stuff. If you accuse them of being racist, you are saying that they are white trash. It’s a class-based insult. People are obsessed with this dude because he is a racist who is not white trash.…
Yeah, one thing I left out because it was less relevant to that story line: Poor bub’s facial fur was singed from being so close to the flame. After giving me the once-over health check, a firefighter treated my dog’s wounds and checked his breathing for smoke inhalation. He had something akin to a smoker’s cough for…
As I’m a combat veteran, there’s a few military news related websites I’m on. One of the websites ran ONE short article questioning Trump’s fishy draft exemption story, and the sheer WHINING in the comments from the Trumpers was astounding.
No your article is literally life and death important. Costal folks are still heading out to help the water protectors. They need to be prepared or the weather will kill them. Blizzards kill, cold kills. You need to be prepared or you will die.
She’s a woman. That’s really it. The whole web of Benghazi/email/Vince Foster/Pizzagate/other insanity spun around her is just the shroud on the undead creature that is these people’s hatred of women. Especially women who are demonstrably smarter and better at all things then they are.
Real talk: my job, before I was a teacher, was standing security at MOA while Santa sat there in front of Nordstroms. He was a hoot and folks loved that particular Santa every year. One night, a white woman with an obvious wig had to drag her child away from the patrons lining up. She kept saying to her crying son,…
I feel like Every 8 or 10 years (depending on the renewal cycle in your state) should be a minor test, and every 20 or so should be something equivalent to a full driving test to earn your license in the first place. Even regular people get offensively lax at obeying even simple safety rules over time, mostly because…
God only knows women in Saudi Arabia don’t give a flying shit what Americans on a forum consider rights. I guess we know what some people are more interested in, and it ain’t the plight of women in Saudi Arabia, it’s some pedantic bullshit.
Who cares?