But she wasn’t talking about ordinary “juvenile delinquents.” Super-predators refers to violent criminals terrorizing their own communities.
But she wasn’t talking about ordinary “juvenile delinquents.” Super-predators refers to violent criminals terrorizing their own communities.
The “difference” is a concept imposed and created by men. Any body part normally covered will become eroticized, including hair. It is hypocritical to judge Muslim woman’s sense of modesty as nothing more than oppression and therefor inferior to that of a western woman’s if your own sense of modesty has been equally…
OK, here is a personal challenge for you and other woman on this thread: Take your shirt off. Take your bra off. Take a walk around the block. If you can’t or won’t do it, your fashion habits are not superior to those of Muslim woman in terms of “agency.”
I don’t rule the world so I (grudgingly) admit you retain the right to your own opinions.
You are crediting Dustin Hoffman for Meryl Streep’s Oscar winning performance. Uh, no.
Deep thoughts of a method actor. I saw Tootsie when it first came out. It is very overrated (as is Dustin Hoffman.)
Yeah, I hear you. I just don’t think she was lying, it’s just too jaw-dropping . “Confused” makes sense to me, but even still, for that explanation to work, she had to have been too disconnected/disinterested back in the eighties in Arkansas to pay attention to news of the “gay plague” otherwise Reagan’s indifference…
i believe she was confused and not lying. The reason why I believe that is because there was a First Lady credited with “starting a national conversation” about a health issue that was considered very private and not talked about. Unfortunately for Clinton, That woman was Betty Ford, the First Lady who publicly…
Sorry for all your losses.
I see nothing that supports your assertion. Style is personal; you are wrong.
You sir, are a problem solver.
Depends on what you mean by “close to Columbus” and what kind of area you are looking for. Plain City is farm country and about 35/40 minutes from downtown Columbus and probably fifteen minutes from Dublin which has a lot of shopping and entertainment but living there would mean a monotonous daily commute from there…
Are you writing them in your head?
You have a better grasp of the situation than most here.
My money’s on Bartiromo. Why let Megyn Kelly get all the attention?
Hmm. Needs more boob.
Oh yeah? In sixth grade I was cast as the Jewish mother in our class production of Fiddler On The Roof.