Yeah — stupid.
Yeah — stupid.
Dabo Swinney is clemsoning American history.
“Oh, shit! There’s an Idiot on the Field...Wait, is that his cell phone number? Let’s call it!
“If a man needs anger management work, that would mean he’s going around beating everyone up. But, if his violence is selective to the person he’s partnered with, he doesn’t need anger management work. He manages his anger very well. He knows who to hit and who NOT to hit,” said Porter.
It’d be so easy to get in. Just scratch off that 36W 32L and write in a 34W 32L and they’d think you’re a totally different guy!
I remember a story about Kurt Cobain getting kicked out of the Kingdome once and bannded forever because he was drunk. Years later, he actually played the Kingdome and saw his picture posted up under the list of people who have been banned.
Kush is for klosers.
Yeah, but that security guard in the 100s section closest to 221 is gonna get their ass SAAAAAAACKED.
bay area + 3 hellas + 16 yr old salesman = independant medical marijuana salesman
This story is absolutely not “fucking awesome”. It’s hella awesome.
The thing that stands out the most is how many times the kid says hella. No one on the East Coast ever ever ever says that.
Everything about this story is fucking awesome. This guy, Kevin Harlan, that suck-ass game, all of it. Fantastic.
I can shit into a bag, drunk or not. Never done it, but I’m confident in my abilities. I’m not going to run home and try it out or anything, but alls I’m saying is, you need a bag filled with some shit, I can do it for you. Ziploc, target bag, one of those gift bags specifically for wine bottles, I’ll hit the bottom…
It always cracks me up when it’s 4th and inches. Oh, so you’re able to see exactly where the ball was when the carrier was ruled down? To the inch? Get the fuck outta here.
I feel like someone with these kind of thinking skills wouldn’t be making shit balloons to start with.
“including replays of EPIC TACKLES”
Bruh, it’s called “return” and it is the pinacle of excellent remote function.
The NFL does have something for between plays. It’s called Red Zone. I’d rather watch Red Zone than a single game. They put plays in between plays. They shoot around so fast I have to admit, it’s sometimes difficult to keep up for a novice (my wife hates it when I watch Red Zone). It was a little challenging this week…
But he landed with two feet controlling the ball , stopped his momentum, and started to turn up field. Way different than not landing with the ball.