
Also Satterfield clearly lost confidence in Tyler Lamb after his (dreadful) interception in the 3rd quarter. 23 pass attempts for only 103 yards is very much an indictment of App not wanting to challenge the Vols downfield in any significant way. You saw that play out again as App limply ran run plays and swing passes

What killed them was that awful clock management. Fourth quarter near field goal range and you leave a timeout on the table? You deserve to lose.

Ah yes. I misread it, hence the confusion.

But, is the counterpoint here that Ted Cruz only said “ring” because he’s intimately close to the NBA rulebook, and being a rulebook purist, decoupled from everyday vernacular?

Nunca lo olvides.

I’ve always been confused by the manly man’s man-type of politician who doesn’t seem to have a single ounce of sports knowledge. Ted Cruz is objectively a dingus, but I can’t understand how you can get elected to Congress in Texas and not have a solid understanding of football.

I’m sure we would have heard about that once or twice if it was true. You must be confused.

U.S. servicemember here. Military bases play the national anthem at 8 A.M. for morning colors, which, if you’re outside, you stop and salute for the duration of the anthem. When walking to and from buildings, I’ve seen people either wait to leave until the anthem was done, or rush to their destination to avoid being

Scouts say Reid has great quick-twitch muscle, and Lane is a natural athelete. The scouts are split on Kaepernick, some saying he athletically gifted, some believing he is a student of the game. All agree he was raised a grinder.

I can't get the video to work, and I don't know these guys by their names. Will someone tell me what color they are so I can form my opinion?

-Ed Spock thinks about making a comment involving a certain brand of condom..........Decides discretion is the better part of valor and pulls out slowly.

Also, white America - we don't hate America, so stop with that made up sophomoric argument. In fact, we REALLY like this country. What we don't like is injustice. Fix that (and there's a LOT of injustice, FWIW) and we have ourselves a start.

Unlike Tomy and Tome, she doesn’t have the range

It’s just the way some people talk, especially when trying to browbeat someone. So, yeah, I’d say it is her just using the saying as way to add more emphasis to her words. It’s a popular phrase among all colors of people.

Ok, I’m going to have to rant for a minute:

What came out of this girl’s mouth was abhorrent and indicates a level of ignorance you almost have to STRIVE to achieve, but I find it interesting that a LOT of the men commenting here have absolutely ZERO ability to perform a basic self-analysis before posting.

Let me

The New White Supremacy demands:

As a side note, since this is only about thing #18 on the ranked list of things wrong with her thoughts on this matter, she certainly spouts off pretty condescendingly about the First Amendment when it pretty plainly doesn’t apply. Please consult this handy flow-chart to see whether you need to begin or continue a

I always think of this xkcd cartoon whenever people start yelling about ‘free speech.’ -https://xkcd.com/1357/

Wait, isn’t she Miss Teen South Carolina / “The Iraq” girl?

The kicker at the end really makes the whole video. Literally right after telling a guy he sucks, she says, “God bless, from Dallas. Goodnight and take care.”