
Sometimes your Achilles heel is actually your Achilles heel.

“First, they came for the Socialists. But I did not speak out, for I had made a bunch of money for being mediocre at throwing a football. So, fuck ‘em, I guess.”

It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no senator’s son, son
It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no fortunate one, no

Frederick Douglass was a successful author and highly respected. Which raises the question: what the fuck was he complaining about?

Ok then, Millions of dollars means I’m to immediately forget who I am, where I came from, and ignore any injustices done to those like me. I’m to shut up and appreciate what I’ve got, and screw the world. Good to know.

People seem to miss a couple of facts in criticizing his stance:

Just a reminder. People didn’t die so you have to stand for the national anthem. They died so you can sit if you so choose. Even if they don’t agree with someone’s opinion, they were willing to fight for it. That’s what makes this country great. (Even though we have our moments.)

So you can’t criticize unless you are actively being oppressed at the moment, can’t look out for others if you have succeeded and if you are being “oppressed” then shouldn’t you be looking for a job instead of whining. It is almost as if...

You think that’s bad? I keep hearing about some rich guy saying America’s full of losers, worse than the worst war zones, that we’re run by crooked liars, that Russia’s great, etc. Really traitorous stuff. Of course the guy’s American, going after his own kind. Sad!

You’re right, if he were a true competitor he would’ve been out there scoring touchdowns while everyone else was standing for the national anthem.

This is a ridiculous comment. It's possible to do your job—and do it well—while still giving a shit about social issues.

Bad cops shoot first and ask questions later.
Good cops denounce this behavior.

ANd this is one (not so clever) way to dismiss the topic.

Later that day:

Not going to give the typical “I am a vet” comment. The flag does take on a whole new meaning when you see friends of yours in a flag-draped coffin. However, Kap didn’t disrespect the flag in any way. It wasn’t burned or stepped on. That’s his right to not stand for the anthem and he is exercising it. No issues here.

You know what they say: “Support our troops...unless it means giving them money or medical care! But otherwise, support our troops!”

Very excited for the well reasoned and thoughtful discussion that will follow.

The good thing is they were in California and not Real America.

(Also, sorry to be that guy, but his name is misspelled in the headline.)