Black Hermione

By trusting yourself. A lot of people comment on how confident I am, and I am in most situations - like, professionally, if I recommend something, you BELIEVE I know what I’m talking about - because I have certain criteria before I open my damn mouth, which is “know what I am talking about.” Trust yourself, trust your

I spy a Purrfect Arch!

Well, I started off 2016 by creating my first meme. And for such a good cause, too. Behold:

My optimistic hope for this year is that I get a little closer to my family. It’s been 5 years since they disowned me, and the past two months one of my sisters has been visiting me. Having one sibling would be amazing.

You are doing the best work

Happy orgasms

I’m in the Harry Potter theme park. Diagon alley is pretty underwhelming. 80% is souvenir stores. There’s 2 rides. You need to buy special wands to do magic. Team Hogsmeade for life!

Butterbeer #DiagonAlley

I am currently finishing some applications to go back to school in the fall to become a speech therapist! Come Monday I will be going to my old high school and community college to have my transcripts go out. I'm actually really excited to be going back.

This post is just in gratitude to Mark Shrayber for pulling my ass out of the greys yesterday. Praise be.

wait what ?? its already 2016??? today??What am i missing?

I resolve to drink less and be more patient. I resolve to work on my OCD and be less rigid. I resolve to “go with the flow” and learn to be more flexible.

I’m watching the 6th Harry Potter movie and I forgot how much it sucked (I mean, all the movies sucked, tbh). It’s my favorite book and oh my god it’s painful to watch. Why did they burn down the Burrow?? Where do the Weasley’s live now??? And the acting! *cringe*

resolution: to spend less time online.

Fuck you, Bill. With a pineapple sideways.

Bill Cosby, Fuck You.