I know that it is just a big, dumb action movie, but I love The Rock way more than I should.
I know that it is just a big, dumb action movie, but I love The Rock way more than I should.
I know that it is just a big, dumb action movie, but I love The Rock way more than I should.
I was under the impression that we were continuously throwing our panties at Tom Hardy.
I was under the impression that we were continuously throwing our panties at Tom Hardy.
Lol. Tom Hardy is so awesome.
Lol. Tom Hardy is so awesome.
Another photo of this man must exist.
Another photo of this man must exist.
A season and six movies!
A season and six movies!
I can't say that I enjoy watching Shia LaBeouf's movies, but I kind of love watching this downward douche-spiral.
I can't say that I enjoy watching Shia LaBeouf's movies, but I kind of love watching this downward douche-spiral.
As you pointed out, I think that the focus on events rather than the
journey of the characters is probably the reason I'm not all-in with
Boardwalk Empire yet. With the exceptions of Nucky and Harrow, (and
Chalky, if I consider all of the good-will Michael Kenneth Williams has
built up from The Wire) I can't say that…
As you pointed out, I think that the focus on events rather than the
journey of the characters is probably the reason I'm not all-in with
Boardwalk Empire yet. With the exceptions of Nucky and Harrow, (and
Chalky, if I consider all of the good-will Michael Kenneth Williams has
built up from The Wire) I can't say that…
Deadwood notification. :(
R.I.P. Deadwood.
Deadwood notification. :(
R.I.P. Deadwood.
They call me the Hip-Hoppopotomus
My lyrics are bottomless
They call me the Hip-Hoppopotomus
My lyrics are bottomless
@avclub-8dd007f4a97be79c135c67999bf5b27e:disqus Thanks for the info! I have a mountain of tomatoes in my kitchen that I really don't want to waste.
@avclub-8dd007f4a97be79c135c67999bf5b27e:disqus Thanks for the info! I have a mountain of tomatoes in my kitchen that I really don't want to waste.