
Elijah had the weird blue-veiny face briefly when he first appeared. I do remember thinking that he popped up rather quickly after Klaus pulled the dagger.  Maybe he was headed to the Grill for a quick drink before going to ask his mom to not kill him.

Klaus is just so damn charming! There was a pretty dramatic shift in his
character once the rest of The Originals were introduced. As long as they
don't completely bungle it, I can deal with sad, needy Klaus. I would much
rather watch the potential Klaus/Caroline/Tyler triangle than the Damon/Elena/Stefan one anyway.

@Stillborn Again Christian: I think my all-in episode was Introduction to Statistics. It's the earliest episode I remember laughing so hard about something that I would miss the next joke and have to rewind.


My crush timeline:
Middle School: Shawn Hunter, Boy Meets World
High School: Pacey Witter, Dawson's Creek
College: Sawyer, Lost
Since College: Pretty much any TV character Timothy Olyphant has played.

Shawn Hunter was my pretend boyfriend for like, two years when I was little. I even watched Cabin Fever (and then immediately wished I hadn't) just because of Rider Strong.

I totally agree with everything here. I love Elijah. The writers better keep him around.
At this point I could get pull for Caroline and anyone. That girl has chemistry with everyone. But Klaus was looking especially good last night, so for now Caroline/Klaus > Caroline/Tyler.

I was with you until Alaric - I like his bromance with Damon.

That figures. I couldn't stand Lucy until Van Alden took her womb hostage.

Bonnie is so disappointing. I had such high hopes for her last season when she was all bad-ass with the power of a million dead witches.