Burning River all stars

it is a Power Ranger. Bye I will see myself out

I grew up in Watkins. My favorite story I ever heard about the bog was of a gentleman who had climbed to the top of a large tree and was pounding beers up there watching the race when a NY State Trooper ordered the man to get down out of the tree. Our tree climbing friend responded: “Fuck You, make me!” Well the state

Just spoke with my father. Apparently the car in question was a green Plymouth Duster with a black vinyl top. Started life with a 318 but by the time my dad knew it, a 340 had been dumped in front of the firewall. He was adamant about the Hurst 4-speed in it though.

My favorite would have to be my father’s story from college.

My dad was Colombian, and as a teenager in the 50s would barnstorm the mountain roads around the capital, with his buddies along for the ride. They would do typically adolescent car stuff on narrow and poorly built and maintained roads; I live to tell his tales despite this behavior.

They do have traction control. And built-in rail sanders on passenger trains for more traction. And 100% torque at zero RPM. Curb weight is a tad higher though.

It is, but Digital Trends is the one that wrote the article, Yahoo! just shared it.

I guess it’s not just teenagers that experience these magnificent “oh, shit” moments.

It hit a plumbing supply business...............that car is plumb ruined.

I suspect it is why station wagons and later minivans became so popular. They’re just more convenient when you are carrying a lot of stuff and taking it in and out regularly. Being able to put my baby in the middle row then open the back hatch and have the dog jump in and ride separated from the baby and unable to

Um no, a signal light does not give the driver the right to cut in, drive through or turn into anything.

+1. The interrogation techniques are unnecessary. I bought my house without a microphone in my face acknowledging I read the fine print. That is what the initials at the end of the paragraph are for.

We were 2 hours into the process and I was definitely starting to see red and the guy knew it. Im only 6'2", 200#, but I stood up at least twice and my kids started to cry and whine, as if on cue. It helped...a little.

Our only new car buying experience was pretty solid on the front end: Emails with a single salesman and his manager. Reasonable back-and-forth about dealer-installed options, including a couple swap-outs (I didnt want the sunroof deflector, but I wanted rubber mats; etc). I even made 2 special in-person trips to a

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I love these little tidbit posts - about common things that may be unknown.

I knew what this was because I got my Subaru stuck once and instructions were in the owners manual for this process.

Good lord, this is a VW service manager’s wet dream.

Why bother reading and commenting then if you’re gonna be an asshole about it

“I’m not the president of the Yankees, I’m an asshole,” said Levine.

Its crazy because we haven’t seen this amount of water here in years so its fucking everyone up. I was going to Chick Fil A with my mom last night and she got scared because it was raining so hard on the freeway we turned back. I said “mom its just rain”. I really wanted that Chick Fil A. But I cant complain, we