Online purchases are always disappointments, especially when mobile apps are involved. For example, I downloaded the much-advertised Quicken Loans Rocket Mortgage app, only to learn I could not finance the purchase of a rocket.
Online purchases are always disappointments, especially when mobile apps are involved. For example, I downloaded the much-advertised Quicken Loans Rocket Mortgage app, only to learn I could not finance the purchase of a rocket.
bringing jobs
What kind of American would buy a Chevy Cruze when you can have a Camaro for under $20,000?
The particular bypass he is talking about would not add up to 8 dollars in gas usage, if you aren’t on the turnpike already, the last exit on 680 south of youngstown dumps you at about a 20 mile drive that will place you to enter the PA turnpike at exit 10, an untolled enterance 8 miles past the $7.70 car toll…
You’d be driving through my little stretch of green earth then. 170 through new middletown adds about 15-20 minutes to your journey, is scenic and saves you that ridiculous $8 dollar westgate toll to travel an entire 28 miles.
I live down here, for the 60 miles from I10 (30 miles East of San Antonio) to SH45 N in Austin, it’s about 18 bucks. Crazy expensive. They are opening up a new toll road that’s only a 10 mile (ish) stretch that’ll go as high as $14 to drive it and the tolls will fluctuate based on traffic.
This makes me so mad. I hate toll roads so much. Not surprised there’s mention of Cintra’s lobbyist’s relationship to ex-Gov. Rick Perry in there, either. It’s shockingly obvious that these kinds of deals don’t serve the public, but only serve a few. That few’s gonna make bank and not have to pay anything back.…
“Our culture is filled with bars and strip clubs on every corner.”
“while I’m switching cars, you change outfits. We’re not going to Walmart.”
She was wrong, and I would have given her the bird while I did one-handed donuts on her fucking cat.
The dude was a danger to fewer people than the news crew standing under live power lines talking about how they could come down at any minute.
For all those who are concerned that this dealership will be marking up its vehicles, take the time to read this statement:
Are there any stats on how many of these murders happen because a meerkat wants to just relax a little with a beer after a hard day of working in the jungle and another meerkat won’t shut the fuck up about how badly the lawn needs mowing and it has to be done right away so it looks nice when that meerkat’s mother…
My grandfather and my uncle disagreed about the Vietnam War. My grandfather, being a lifetime Army man, supported it (until he found out what was actually going on), while my uncle was against the war. Years later, my uncle asked my grandfather why despite the disagreement he never kicked him out of the house. My…
You don’t even realize how much you swear in the military, until you’re at home with the family. “How’d you like dinner, Daryl?” “It was fucking outstanding, Mom. You nailed that motherfucking meatloaf that that bitch owed you goddamned money.” Family stares at me in silence and horror. “It was great, Momma. I loved…
Good job on the Transmission. When I went to my MOS-Q to certify as a Mechanic in the Army, when it got to the transmission, the instructor flat out said, “This is a Transmission. Inside of it, is all of the evil and hate that man has ever devised. No one really knows how they work. No one knows how to fix them. In…
Fact check, don’t spout that old canard because you won’t inform yourself.
(also try feeding it to a pig)