Both pilots ejected and are safe, with or with out you.
Both pilots ejected and are safe, with or with out you.
I WILL BUILD A WALL AND THE GOTHS WILL PAY FOR IT! -Emperor Trumpicus Maximus 416 C.E.
Good thing it has that massive bed and tow rating to carry the owner’s pride back home.
Dan Gilbert proving Hamilton Nolan right.
Poor old white republican thinks Cuba is Haiti/Dominican. We get it, you’re really dumb and can’t be bothered with the whole reading thing. Alright already
It would be tough to fit golf clubs in the trunk.
Does it fit clubs in the trunk?
“You sunk my fishing boat!”
If only we could apply this policy to non passing left lane drivers (looking at you Prius drivers). We could restore our roadways to normal levels of incompetency
Just get an APR tune. 242 HP and somewhere around 270 tq for $500
This just made a Friday that started out shit begin to look up. :bow
Well that’s something Euro Truck Simulator doesn’t simulate...
This guy.
If that CP meter dips below 90%, we riot.
Maybe US Soccer should spend more concentrating on paying the USWNT fair wages, making sure the team can play on a proper soccer field and generally not treating the USWNT like crap and less time thinking about national anthems.
TJ Unlimited, no top, half doors, drain plugs out, Rhino line the entire floor.
What he really wants is a 1970 Olds Cutlass Convertible. Asking price of $18,500. Cheap to buy, cheap to maintain, plenty of smiles per mile and he can invite 4-5 of his friends along for the ride.
If I remember correctly the Warriors choked away a 3-1 lead. They may be the chokingest team