
Couple years ago at autocross, the most hilarious Asian guys (and I’m being totally racist because it was 100% a stereotype, I’ll take the heat) showed up with the worst looking WRX I’d ever seen. Different colored doors, cracked windshield and all that.

That’s actually a user interface feature. They realized that anyone who ordered a $27000 Dart probably didn’t know which side the driver went on. #shotsfired

I can’t stop hitting replay...it looks more like a fucking cruise missile than a car....the fuckkkk

I did too...

Curiousity is mostly a gift. I’m sorry you saw that.

F1's never cared about working stiffs.

Tesla Will Fix German Hero’s Car Free Of Charge

So they’ve got more aircraft and ships than they can maintain. Are they still capable of doing their intended job with the currently operational jets and ships? If so, it’s a sign of having too much equipment, not a sign of a budget shortage.

This took place in Florida...that is all the extra info you need.

Hmm, $6k? That isn’t terrible.

Since David seems to enjoy getting his hands dirty this will be the perfect car for him.

The number of production models that will be totaled at 35 mph leaving Cars and Coffee.

Yes, but what is its capacity in Timbits?

Yeah but complaining about it is a bit silly. The law’s pretty clear, he broke it and got a ticket. Total non story.

I’m happy with anybody trying to get this stuff into production. I’m tired of watching people text in the car next to me on the highway.