
I remember these guys

shut the fuck up

Update (3:24 p.m.): A spokesperson for the Texans replied, and said Watt broke his hand during a drill. He was firm that the injury had nothing to do with the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.

This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen happen in a baseball game, and I’ve watched John Rocker pitch before.



you know what’s sad? the dog in that video is almost definitely dead at this point

what the fuck, dude. where is this money even going? who’s allowing this shit to go on?

I don’t buy that those two things have anything to do with each other. I played at least two or three sports from the time I was six until I graduated from high school, and in that entire time, my team won a championship exactly once, and I still have a whole rack of trophies and medals at my parents’ house. And I,

you can really feel brian’s anger building here

You aren’t wrong.

Personally, I think that’s part of the reason why Obama named him the HUD secretary last year. There’s no way she could have picked him for VP if the only things on his resume were “San Antonio City Councilman; San Antonio Mayor”. Naming him the cabinet-level head of a gigantic government agency where the stated goal

Pretty sure Clinton settled on Julian Castro as her VP pick before she even officially entered the race.

how long before PFT commenters start comparing him to judith miller?

“What do I look like, a fuckin’ mathematician?”

“Sourdough fuckboy” is a fire open

@Winged is going to become familiar with North Jersey Twitter today.

This whole thing sucks, but this + the comments below are a beautiful tribute to a human being. Not to be all hippy dippy and shit, but we’re all better people than our worst moments, and I hope all of you guys find a way out of this, Craggs included, where your friendship endures and your careers continue to