Burnie Parent

Read your own link please. First of all- the Obama law only mentions Syria and Iraq, AND furthermore, it’s not a ban on Iraqis and Syrians entering the US. Obama’s Act cancels visa-free travel for EUROPEANS who had traveled to Iraq and Syria. And it’s not a bar on entry neither. They just have to apply for a VISA and

You and takeshi should learn the difference between changing the process for a “visa waiver” is different from an outright travel ban for all people from certain countries, even people with dual-citizenship.

no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?

very much enjoying Tim Kaine’s lil smirk up top there

Thank you for this. A woman isn’t lacking in agency just because she’s making decisions you don’t agree with. I might concede that she’s in over her head, but to cast her as someone so blank that she can’t muster up the power to make her own decisions is a disservice to both her, and other women like her. Just because

I’ll tell you a true anecdote about George Soros.

Also worth noting:

As dumb as it is, I think you’re still overthinking it. Beck and these charlatans know that at this point you just have to say “Soros” and the Pavlovian dissonance kicks in for the Trumpalos.

There were a few times at the DC March when people started chanting Black Lives Matter and everyone joined in with the same enthusiasm as all the other chants. It was awesome!

fuck all those fb losers. They’re vastly outnumbered, and now even they know it.

I think my favorite moment during the march was listening to the man behind me very matter of factly explaining to his 7- or 8-year-old son that they were marching because a lot of people discriminate against women just because they’re women and one of those people is our new president and it’s important to speak out

Look for the Jezebel commenters’ delegation: they will be marching in a phalanx, wearing purple sashes with “Jezebel” written on them. I sewed the sashes!

And for god’s sake, be polite and clean while using that bathroom! I’ve worked in cafes, theaters, restaurants of all stripes, and the thing that never ceases to astound and anger me is how gross and disrespectful people are while using the bathroom. Toilet paper on the floor. Rolls of TP seemingly thrown at the wall

Thanks for this! I’m here in DC with friends gearing up for tomorrow. Nervous and excited! Mostly excited. There were SOOO many women at the airports coming down here. Pussyhats everywhere. Almost every woman on the plane to DC was giving you a smile and a nod. It’s going to be ok ladies. It’s going to be okay.

Don’t be silly! You can wear whatever hat you want as a white male

He recognises Trump is a problem. But, as an aside, he’s pointing out that this question isn’t directly relevant to him, and that’s true. Lots of American celebs live and work part of the time in the UK — wouldn’t it seem bizarre if a British paper asked them what action they were going to take against the government?

Yikes she’s actually evolved into a pretty fine actress. She’s the first American actress to pick her up an esteemed Cesar award for her work in Clouds of Sils Maria. And she earned raves for her work in Personal Shopper at Cannes last year. She seems poised to transition into a respected and talented adult actress.

I think I have this issue. I can’t possibly look the way I do I pictures.

There will only ever be one Linda Tripp.