Burnie Parent

Agreed. She knows that the country is now in the hands of someone who does not give a single fuck about its people, particularly its vulnerable people. At all. And I think she, like her husband (*sob*), actively cares about this country and its people, particularly its vulnerable people.

Putting aside her intelligence and humor and level of care for Americans for a moment, I remain floored by how gracefully MObama has handled the sheer racism and sexism that has been leveled at her. For fucks sake, she is routinely called a man and an ape! I’d be apoplectic, and I’m just a standard citizen.

Jude is right. I’m not living. I am not even human. I am a spirit who only briefly takes corporeal form to post Harry Styles gifs on Jezebel. Here’s the secret: it may not be living, but it’s wonderful.

I’ll take you up on your offer to vent. My mother recently came to visit me (after much pleading and begging, because we didn’t want her to spend another Christmas alone and we couldn’t afford to fly) and hoo boy, am I glad she’s gone. We’ve always had a fraught relationship, she was responsible for much of my

My 16 year old daughter died on May 29th of this year.

“I miss her so much, I want to be with Carrie.”

No Hills? Really, kids? Here’s a woman whose worst affront to humanity continues to be that she’s a woman. Ambitious, brilliant, wonky, and, despite the fact that she’s been surrounded by a panoply of assholes for the better part of five decades, STILL wanted to be President. The fact that she won the popular vote by

My pick would be Katy Tur, who was pretty fearless in her reporting of the Trump campaign. Yes, the media in general really let us down with all the free air time for Trump and its BS of falsely equating Hillary using a private server with whatever atrocity Trump happened to be doing or saying or promising, but Tur

I don’t understand why Tiffany Trump is always being celebrated. She did nothing except implicitly (maybe explicitly?) support her father by showing up to his most important campaign events.

53% of white women who VOTED. There were too many who chose not to vote at all, and they are equally culpable.

Headline should be

You are. Go away.

Is there a reason why the OK student isn’t named? He’s over 18 and charged with a crime, right?

This is me every day.

Four guitars just seems like a weird number of guitars to give away. Maybe they were like, “How many guitars you think, Dad?” And he was like “Well one for the person buying it, and one for each of their children that matter.”

I use L’Oréal products for mascara. Voluminous. I’ve tried probably over 20 different kinds, expensive and drug store before I settled on that one, but that’s just me. Given that this is the internet someone will likely tell me that they think it’s the worst thing ever invented.

Ehh, I suppose it’s her prerogative. She can do what she wants to do.

Yes I loved Leia as a little girl, but the characters that stick most closely to me are her “best friend” roles. When Harry Met Sally, Drop Dead Fred, and Soapdish were all in our VHS library growing up and she is so freaking great. Anytime she appears I get a wave of comfort.

That title makes Carrie Fisher sound like a hard-charging boss.

What happened? Life. What a life she has had and continues to have.