In her defense if her Caddy got better mileage and was just as fast, I’m sure she would cut it more slack.
In her defense if her Caddy got better mileage and was just as fast, I’m sure she would cut it more slack.
The reason Tesla gets away with shortcomings that other car manufacturers don’t, apart from the whole novelty aspect of it, is because the model X is a “car without compromise”. It’s a massive suv with the drag performance of a Ferrari Enzo and the highest safety rating in its class. It's sporting the most high tech…
Well duh she’d be furious, because no way in hell would GM ever fix anything.
Sounds like you tried to fabricate a story and have no idea how the summon or autopilot features work.
It is sort of a stupid statement on her part. But, to play devil’s advocate, so to speak, the Escalade began production in ‘99, and while they didn’t necessarily suffer from a ton of quality issues (though this point is debatable), they were sort of crap. They have had 17 years to work out all the kinks. And that says…
Why does it piss you off?
Ehh, I think the article is overblown. I find a lot of new cars have issues. My BMW for example had a whistling sunroof, the radio didn’t function properly. As long as the manufacturer takes care of the issues, I see no problems. Although I am still not a fan of Tesla being the only place to go for service. They have…
I’ve learned that the less I do for my face, the better. At this point I don’t even use soap usually (unless it’s visibly dirty then of course), just warm water followed by spf 15 lotion and/or BB creme. When I’ve tried soap daily my face is just red and dry and an overall mess.
They come from a long tradition of brutal exploitation, so many people do not trust this new raison d’etre.
Right, zoos are just the main groups actively involved in animal conservation. But what do you really care about that? Oh right, you don’t care.
There are a couple hundred Malayan tigers left; just leaving them all where they live is maybe not the best way to still have Malayan tigers in ten years.
Well, that’s just fucking awful. Just goes to show that wild animals, no matter how docile they may seem in captivity, are still wild animals, I guess. I feel for this woman and her family.
I also daydream about assaulting 5th graders. Let's hang out.
given his size and skills, are we entirely sure it’s not messi?
My grandpa used to be the mold pioneer for LOF glass in toledo. I remember him telling alot about the production of front wind screens. Even subtle/minute differences in glass thickness across the viewing pane will create distortions like this as well. I would be willing to bet that, that is the more production…
It’s just Ultimate. That’s it. No frisbee in the name. Ultimate is officially played with with a disc made by Discraft. Frisbee is a trademarked name of a subpar disc produced by Wham-O.
You have to freeze frame, it happens so fast. The Boston player goes up and makes a good looking attempt at defense (two hands, slap towards ground) except he fucks it up and sort of ends up helping it along.
LOL a Muslim prayer at a NASCAR race? The hillbillies would riot.
“Rag of record” would’ve been the better pun AND a fun alliteration!