
He’s not my husband. He's my roommate who just hasn't met the right gal yet. Vote for me please!

To be fair, except for gay porn, few things are as gay and horny as they should be.

I kept wondering about all the “too horny for its own good” reviews. I, too, saw the stage musical at a...formative time in my life and wore out the vhs and whew, there is so, so much horniness in the stage show, so how could the movie be MORE so?  I’m a little sad to hear it’s not.

Mistoffelees doesn’t just want to get with Rum Tum Tugger - there’s a reason Tugger sings Mistoffelees’ song, dammit.

Shawn Mendes is also trash

I’m deeply disturbed with how the media has covered this, there almost seems to be an outpouring of sympathy for her, a lot of articles don’t even mention the things she said, one article said she was “ignorant but not a racist”, there was a clear, consistent pattern of racist behavior on her social media that’s

I can’t believe you think most people go around calling their black band mates nigger and posting shitty 4-chan memes. Fuck off with your strawmen. 

Some dumb girl who is about to lose her boyfriend and hopefully her career.

I don’t.  I think any bigotry by anyone at any age should be handled like they said it to a person's face....namely an ass beating

Yikes.  How did your mom react?

You know how former bullies will sometimes send an FB request and you don’t know what to do? My response also applies here:

I graduated high school way back in 1989. Even back then, in the near dark ages, 18 year-old me knew that some words were simply verboten and carried far too much historical and social baggage to toy with. I simply do NOT buy it when someone, in this day and age, says they were teens and “didn’t know better”. How

I was born in 1962 and knew as soon as I started school that you did not use that word.

So if she was a teen and just didn’t understand it, why did she find the fried chicken/basketball so damn funny? All humor comes from somewhere, doesn’t it?

Her apology stinks. She got caught and now blames it on being an uninformed edgy teenager. Most folks know by 15 the horrible weight what word carries.

I was born in 1972 and when I was around 7 my grandmother called a black playmate of mine the N-word and I flipped the fuck out. So if my Texan ass knew in 1979 that using that word was wrong, Cabello has no fucking excuse.

I have an 18-year-old and a 13-year-old, and if I found out either one of them was posting shit like this you had better believe there would be a reckoning, some very swift remedial education, and some punishment because both of them damn well know better.

I’ve known about her racism since she first started thinking that anyone wanted to know what she thought on social media as well as how short she and the other 5th Harmony girls treated Normani.

In my experience, racist shitty kids just grow up to be more racist, more shitty adults. Just sayin....

Who’s Camila Cabello?