
Eh, religious people generally pick and choose what they would like to follow so she’ll keep her pumpkins but maybe not wear lingerie and some kind of animal ears this year as a ‘costume’. 

I started saying that I’m pro-abortion a few years ago in response to the oft-tauted “we’re not pro-abortion, we just believe in giving people the choice”.


Me too. This isn’t an uncommon opinion, is it? I want abortion to be rare, because every woman who wants contraception has a (free) IUD.

Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian shill and nothing she says should matter to anyone.

I think I’d like it if we focused on needing fewer of them, because young people are getting comprehensive sex ed and practicing safe sex as a result, not because we shouldn’t be getting them. I guess that is kind of what they were saying? But I don’t think access should be limited in any way, shape, or form.

I’m really bummed about Gina Rodriguez. 

Unfortunately, the rest of us seem to be there, for not one good reason, as well.

I know he’ll never be free but it just seems like a low number when you consider, among other traumas, that:

I don’t think sentencing should ever be “symbolic” either. I think you should get what you deserve regardless of your life span. I think he deserves more than 45.

Call me a curmudgeon, but doesn't anyone at Jez proof read any of this shit? I see at least two punctuation errors, one grammatical error, and a spelling mistake. That's on top of the tortuous-to-the-point-of-tortious long sentences and First Degree abuse of the word "literally".

I wasn’t trying to say she was poor. I was trying to say that there are people in the world, the person I was referring to included, who have experienced massive levels of (often historical) trauma. (QEI would qualify too, since her mother was executed by her father when she was a toddler.)

Aretha was notorious throughout her career, well before her final illness, for being financially “different” from other performers: payment in cash before performances, the purse always by her side, and a nasty habit of stiffing contractors (it’s a rich person thing, apparently; certainly the current occupant of the

It can be hard for people of means to trust anyone, especially if they’ve been ripped off in the past. 

Umm, I don't have any uncashed checks because I deposit them as soon as possible. Why sit on those funds and cash it right before it expires?

Why do fools fall in love?

You are giving her way too much credit. Immature, immature! She’s white trash and an idiot, it’s that simple. I’m sorry if any of you have bought into the Hollywood and media story of her being special. She’s just a pawn in the game people.

I mean she's a child star with no education, so I wouldn't exactly expect insightful discourse. 

Speaking of Miley & drugs… I was really disgusted when she said in an interview last year that she was ‘over weed’ because she wants to be a useful member of society and be passionate about things. Believe it or not miley you can smoke weed everyday and not make it your entire identity. I believe she also did a

Miley is going to be one of those things we can't figure out why we thought it was ever interesting, in 20 years. Like pogs or Eminem.