

It’s not crazy.

I was in the chase car when that happened.... Reed was yelling at our driver, not at Joel... F2 tornado came within 20ft. Of our Suburban...

The reason for adult coloring books, retro video game arcades, reviving 25 yr old tv shows, people desperately cheering for their college athletic teams, and eating crunch berries cereal for dinner is because when we all get to adulthood, we find out it’s a shitshow.

FWIW as a guy who often wears suits, stalls for both genders really need door hooks.

I’m trying to figure out how to translate this to piano. What’s “just enough of a change”? Transpose to another key? Change up the tempo?

I love you because I am you. I am not above acting like a complete idiot to get my way. I was a window seat on a flight once and the dude in the middle seat kept manspreading into my zone, with his large hands perched atop his knees. As soon as the seatbelt light went off, I dropped my tray. When it stopped 75% of the

God bless you, sofar. I’m a tiny too and I’ve gotten really defensive of my space on public transportation. Just because I don’t take up the width of the subway seat doesn’t mean you get to take my space. I’ve started manspreading when men are present on the train. If a woman sits next to me, I’ll close my legs and

The only time this happened to me I was on a flight to Korea and had the window, while a kindly old Korean woman had the isle. We exchanged pleasantries (nods, es she didn’t speak much english) and I silently helped her untangle her earphones. After the plane took off and we both realized there was no one to sit

I don’t think a couple necessarily deserves to sit together, but I’m gonna throw in an EVEN if it means you have to move to a middle seat (and I know YOU woke up at 5am to check in so you’re a GOD AMONG MEN WHO SHOULDNT HAVE TO MOVE) if you see a mother and 2 kids like slogging onto the plane late, your whole stupid

Absolutely fuck those people victim blaming, and saying, “if you don’t want pictures out there,” nonsense.

Seriously that’s cheaper than what I pay to put my dog in daycare

Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME? Okay, I’m day drinking today. Whose with me?

japanese washlets also blow dry your butt