burning fire

Billions not hundreds of millions, BILLIONS!! that is why everyone wants to be Marvel.

yeah no the new Roller Coaster Tycoon is just as good!

oh i agree with that now however to launch a succesful kickstarter for a game you pretty much have to have a completed game unless you are a Celebrity such as Chris Roberts, Richard Garriot, or Peter Monolyx

but those aren’t the only two options. It’s rare you see 2 kids making a MMO and i can’t think of a single time that has happened really.

thanks for reading my posts. Man you can’t even keep your own word.

yeah.. you’ve already lost, you got caught in lies, proven wrong and now you can’t even keep to your word.

it all depends on the team make up. If i have Tinker and Shadow Shaman and or Natures Profit then yeah we will probalby win. What happens is they solo push and take the enemy teams out base before they realize it.

you can do that in Dota 2 as well. If your team can’t push then you can still lose if the other team knows how to push and take towers. Kills shouldn’t be the only way to win.

SWTOR has gambling in game and EQ2 also had gambling.

you also said you wouldn’t be reading what i wrote but you are.

and really out of all the Moba’s out there this is one is the least like LoL

Concession Accepted

really nothing more to say? all done? well you did give up pretty fast.

awwww so sad you know spamming isn’t a good thing

its funny how you can’t even keep doing what you said you would do. You are just full of lies. I mean haha you actually think Male Power fantasies arne’t a thing.

you get that the panels i posted prove you completely and utterly wrong right? I mean that is sinking in?

you really don’t get it do you? I have proved you wrong. You have yet to provide any evidence to counter my arguments or evidence.

Sounds like a good idea.

yeah you already fucked that one up but let’s review the facts again

yeah you already fucked that one up but let’s review the facts again