THANK YOU! I am really at my breaking point with the witch-hunting.
THANK YOU! I am really at my breaking point with the witch-hunting.
It really bothers people that I am not disgusted with myself after gaining some weight. And the fact that I don’t seem to give a fuck really confuses them. I get a lot of people saying that I can get back there and that the gym is great, etc. I don’t care people! I actually like myself and my body. But thanks for the…
I'm sick of this d.b. too but I would take 10x coverage of Biebs over a Kardashian any day.
** In all fairness, I desperately wish this was an option (because fuck peppers), but I would never in a million years ask for it—and I hope they’d say no if anyone actually did.
Paging Dr. Schroedinger!
I have never even considered doing it. And I am no prude, I've done some crazy things in my day. I guess that is where I draw the line?
Exactly! She’s not criticizing her height, that wouldn’t even make sense. She’s (rightly) criticizing her attempt to market herself as a sexy baby. It’s creepy and fucked up.
He doesn’t! Why do these broke men keep buying the Kardashians cars?? Like when French Fries Montana bought Khloe a jeep and it was repossessed...
Hs pretty much in awe of anyone who seems famous or like a pop-culture phenomenon. Swift has a lot of Twitter followers, so that’s what Kanye respects.
Zayn is single
I normally agree, but I think she's really not well. She may never stabilize.
This photo - a tiny baby in the hospital. This really got to me. Babies hooked up to machines and tubes - that is the absolute worst thing ever. I feel for any parent going through this nightmare. I truly cannot imagine how awful. That’s awesome the ladies spent time there.
Reese has a “coke-smirk” going on in that picture. You know that permanent smirky thing that happens when you are all coked-up?
The guard that found her was not the guard to pronounce her dead. Thus, the bag was removed. Please re-read the article.
If she wanted to “confront” (white) people and change minds, why is she doing this at a gallery in a predominately black area of the city. I guess I just don't get his whole display.
Saved bread!
You do realize that this is not racist, right? It’s a computer glitch- there is nothing behind it. No racist intent. Computer programs don’t have an agenda. It's just a thing that happened.
I don’t know why everyone is getting upset- it was a sick burn! I don't think you cheated, the rules don't state that you had to be there. It was funny and that’s the whole point, to get a chuckle.
I think the issue is that the actual struggle of real people is made into a game. It’s a”challenge!”
I think we are actually on 4th wave then- we are back to eschewing makeup since it inherently benefits men, not the women who wear it.