Congrats, you have now picked a side in Gamergate!
Yeah it would be good if Milo was trampled to death.
Oh shit, speaking of which, is Mystic Quest next?
Oh yeah, I am definitely the patient one
I dunno, I just used Great Machete and people couldn’t get in range of me for shit with those shivs
The only time I have enjoyed a modern NFL game with sound on is when the booth audio broke and you could only hear the sound from the field.
1) no one impersonated the police
is your picture the Settlers of Catan icon?
Will you help get people motivated so we can finally get FFT on PC?
I 100% remember that post
Use the Jecht Shot!
The comic is just way too long for a movie anyway.
I mean, it isn’t for everyone, just like some people aren’t going to like Blade Runner.
Why did 0bama let him have his air-gun back after he took it?
That movie was about bands playing instruments. (and is one of my favorites)
She says in other countries everyone trusts that the vaccines are well regulated. Except for all those times doctors are murdered for supposedly being part of a conspiracy.
The remake of 1 and 2 I got off GOG a couple years ago were also great. Wish they had done Quest for Glory 1 as well (aka Hero’s Quest, which is what I will always call it.)