I’m sure whatever you’re going to buy is going to be a GREAT CAR. GTFO idiot.
I’m sure whatever you’re going to buy is going to be a GREAT CAR. GTFO idiot.
YAY! A brand new Kia for you.
You can score a new one off the lot under 75K, but I agree. Not really in the same league and IF it’s my money I’d never buy new.
Chill dawg, you can get other colors besides red for the inside.
2004 S4.
Too bad the Audi is underrated, much like the last gen cars were and stock ones are doing 12.6 1/4 mile all day long out of the box, with 0-60 in 4.3 or less. Does it get tiring to always be dumb and wrong? lol
$50,900 MSRP • $65,625 Tested
What are you talking about last few years? The B8/8.5 generation were the best driving, performing cars in its class. Took the throne from the 335i...
Nobody can crack the new Bosch ECUs. It’s going to be piggybacks for a looonng time. And that small turbo in the V is a big limiting factor. Turbo always wins over SC though, so it should be faster than last gen cars with similar mods. Ugly as hell though.
Too bad the RUINED the exterior of these cars. The B8/8.5 was a good looking car, these new ones are ugly mess of horizontal lines. UGLY. Interior looks nice though. And no DSG? Lame.
Yeah, she seems to have forgotten about the car that started the segment..
Cats will be fine if the car was stock. If not then, yes that’s a concern.
They were better looking too. Interior tech aside, that 3.0SC V6 was awesome, especially with DSG. Tuned they are monsters, and a lot of fun.
$65K, I know math must be hard, as you couldn’t get far in life and drive shitty Mitsubishis, but C’mon man. $65K fully loaded, thats 5K less than what you’re saying.
So you want a shitty 80s interior, with 80s technology? That’s cool man.
No, I’m afraid it doesn’t. MS3s are slow FWD pieces of shits.
His bank owns it, you can get a loan too!
Good on him for driving it year round. LOL @ people who store their fairly common cars for winter, while making payments on it, and “saving them” for the next owner.