
You cannot be serious!? Those are without a doubt the worst “premium” tennis balls out there; come out of the can flat and die even quicker. It's all about them Penn ATPs.

lol, you literally just did the longform version of #notallwhitepeople.

I’m only a little surprised that the Dakota doesn’t have WHITE LIFES MATT3R spray painted on the bed.

More likely to be finished than the Elio.

I'm glad we're not friends so I don't have to be seen with you in the summer.

Batman Finishes Prematurely

Some how you forgot Rand Paul

I have a theory that there has never once been an off-road video posted on the Internet where someone doesn’t comment on how easy it is and how they could do it in a far simpler, more basic vehicle. (Seriously — go check the comments section in off-roading YouTube videos.)

I wonder how Haden is going to find out he’s fired.

“Sure, our coach imbibes a little excessively every now and then, but don’t we all?”

Coug’d it.

So am I. Amazing times we live in.

“*crying* It’s not even food! It doesn’t taste good, it’s just plastic!” - Me eating Panera

I used to think Apple fans were silly for buying into a mindset like that. Then I bought a motorcycle.

I have to assume dying at 11 AM is at least partially a conscious decision. If you’re old and have been up since 5, by 11 you’re faced with the option to go make yourself a sandwich for lunch, or die in your recliner.

It’s almost like he directly brought up that Tottenham got the benefit of bad linesmen.

For that one heroic moment she was free. Free to live out her fantasy of being a dirt bike. All those trips to the grocery store, chauffeuring the kids to summer camp on dirt roads, and countless errands had finally lead to this moment. A mundane life of drudgery was erased as the sweet feeling of flight washed over