
This is great for people without phones.

Holy shit, digital cameras got incrementally better over the last 8 years?!

How the fuck do you jump from Tin/Aluminum to Diamond Jewelery? Fucking De Beers man.

I thought the ridiculous Solo wondergoal was for her and her husband to maintain sobriety.

I’m thinking about getting a cheap chromebook. Touchscreen... yea or nay?

Thanks Trump.

I wouldn’t want the help to get complacent.

I know I’m old and all, but that sounds like too much damned work.

Of all the passive ways to deal with this problem, this one is the best.

My favorite real/unreal pic. Danny Shelton v Vernon Adams last year.

I dont know, but I wish they would fix it and cover all of the text.

Look at this fucking sportster.

I remember re-installing it about every two months.

The only way to get someone to stop bringing this shit is to piss in their tent.

This is perfect. FB look like dicks, and this kid gets his name out for a better gig. Everybody wins.

Awesome! Someone might notice this pea sized light after they have plowed through the cyclist.


Oh I’m with you. My favorite bike in the garage is my old cross race bike with a riser bar and paul’s thumbies on it. Too bad “simple” doesn’t sell bikes anymore.

From the rider’s prospective, I don’t get it either. While I do not like proprietary parts in general, if the benefit is worth it, then great. But here you will have increased cost, increased weight, and those proprietary parts for... 30mm of suspension travel on a road bike? I can’t imagine the target market willing