
Most fairy tales are pretty fucked up, given that they started out as cautionary adages. It’s just that Beauty and the Beast has managed to make it through to the current century more or less intact in comparison to the more watered-down versions of Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty that we have today. Sleeping Beauty, in

84% of Republicans are still supporting him, while 8% of everyone else is.

40% of Americans think he’s doing a great job.

Fun Fact: Bees can literally become inebriated with fermented nectar. You might just be running into drunk ass bees.

No bees, no food. It’s really simple. This is a list of all the food pollinated by bees.

My parents watched it. They said “Wow, it was really good, but it was really hard to watch.”

I’m just here to high five this article. And you!

Bill Clinton won by telling George Bush “It’s the economy, stupid.” I’m not saying that we should start turning into an insult comic, but when you’re right about an issue, don’t back away from it, and don’t play scared. Step on their necks and go for the kill. I honestly believe Hillary would have done better if she

Completely agree with you.

I live in Keith Ellison’s congressional district. Trust me, he does not have to worry about his seat at any time in the foreseeable future.

My dude, Obama was a once-a-century charismatic talent and he still oversaw the loss of 900+ state legislature seats to the GOP in his tenure

Ellison has said he would resign his seat in Congress if chosen

Have you considered the fact that Bernie would have won?

Yeah but then you have to live in Kansas with a shit school system and no museums.

Bernie was the only candidate with Bernie’s message, so yeah, he would have won.

If there’s anything to take away from this election it’s that the message mattered a lot more than the tone of how it was delivered.

Not only is Trump a gigantic bigot and a clown, HRC lost while outspending him almost 3:1. That alone should tell you how moronic it would be to go with Perez. Dems will crash and burn if they are not united around Bernie’s platform, because