
I don’t understand people who can’t see the viability of both saying “fuck this guy” and acknowledging that revenge porn is an inappropriate response to his overall douchiness. These are not mutually exclusive concepts. Nobody ‘deserves’ revenge porn in any situation.

Deer are cuter than cows.

It’s worth mentioning that the famine from the Irish potato famine was man-made in the sense that it was not that there was not enough food being produced within Ireland to feed the Irish—massive shipments of food was being exported from Ireland to England by English landowners in Ireland, even as the Irish literally

Surprised to see I’m the first one to post this:

This easy hot take us embarrassing...do some research. Bluegrass, country, western, and modern folk are all largely based on European folk music traditions. Even the murder ballad largely associated with the blues has it’s roots in a UK folk tradition. Were all these forms of music eventually influenced by African

I can very easily understand the White House’s disgust with those gaming clips.

I had it on good authority that Anita Sarkeesian was going to purge creativity from gaming, and that Donald Trump would keep the liberals from neutering my favorite pass time. I have literally no idea how that could have backfired on me. All I wanted was ethics in games journalism, I swear. Scout’s honor.

That would be great, kind of like The Witcher with Geralt and Ciri but more balanced.

While I certainly understand that the way videogames “glorify” violence can make people uncomfortable, and there is absolutely some stuff worth unpacking there, this strikes me as completely ass-backwards.

“Toxic behavior doesn’t just hurt the individual it hurts our entire industry,” said the head of Xbox, Phil Spencer, during a keynote address at the 2018 DICE summit. He also touched on low morale following the launch of the Xbox One and the need for more diversity in the gaming industry. You can watch it here.

True. But OTOH, decentralizing the advertising that uses the commodification of women’s bodies in the various female insecurity industries makes the narrative that much harder to control and combat.

Microsoft and Sony haven’t been selling consoles at a loss since the mid-PS3/Xbox360-days. PS4 and Xbox One were proffitable basically from the get-go.

Maybe we can appropriate an overused term and start calling this picture a “nothing burger”.

don’t get too analytical about this.

I’m going to be obnoxiously pedantic and note that they were not referencing MLK, but the original Martin Luther. Not that it has any bearing on your argument, which I actually agree with.

I do think it’s died down a bit, but this article really highlights why complaints/worries about Nintendo focusing on “gimmicks” are overblown now. The Switch does have a bunch of these quirks/gimmicks loaded in them, but for basically an entire year they mostly went unused, and Nintendo released a bunch of games that

Iwata is probably smiling for Nintendo in the afterlife as he is cutting his own paycheck for the underwhelming Wii U sales in heaven. Manufacturing costs are insane there, man - and you thought Australia/Europe had it bad.