
I’m getting rid of most of mine, save Instagram (I buy a lot of Simpsons enamel pins from various artists, or cool T-Shirts from the same).

but why didn’t he just kill Klaue from the getgo? How did he know where Wakanda was (I thought Klaue was going to bring him)?

even the average fight scenes were better than BP’s, which isn’t a good sign

right? but then it just kind of petters out...

I’ve seen that HTFAP (not a great acronym)! Raid has the BEST fight scenes I’ve ever seen (Raid 2 is even better)

I mean Daredevil was basically doing an homage to Oldboy. I think I mentioned above about that casino tracking shot which was GREAT, the casino then car chase was the highlight for me.

but compare that to the Daredevil netflix show, where the fight scenes are SO well choreographed. Considering we’re not getting Iron Man-esque explosion tech or Thor nordic magic, I was hoping the fight scenes to be better than a Netflix show..

I realllly wanted to love this movie. I thought it was just OK. I felt like the film had the most momentum during the car chase in Korea (with some truly stellar long takes) though I think they overused the shakey-cam and didn’t allow the viewer to see action-reaction in fight scenes which makes for a more satisfying

one of my teachers in art school did a lot of presidential portraits and he hid stuff in them EVERY time.

I fucking LOVE blade

I tend to like new music less than the past 250 years or so. (Bach then the impressionists, then early jazz (some big band), 50s doo-wop, 60s of course and 70s prog rock.


Interesting. We had a german shepherd growing up (not sure if she was entirely pure bred but she looked it) and while she did have some hip issues, she lived to the rip old age of 18! Didn’t know there were so many issues with the breed. Our next dog was from a shelter (Lab mix) and he lived to nearly 15 (sadly passed

This is awesome

a friend of mine is a bartender and he kept getting tips of 100% or more from this woman who would flirt with him and was a regular. It made him super uncomfortable because turning down a tip is kind of extreme but accepting it makes you feel like you went along with it.

only female mosquitos draw blood.

sure is!

I still have to work with her and I have anxiety about conflict anyways so it’s never easy.

yeah this is 100% a good thing. I’m a man and I kept getting asked out by a coworker and it was bad. I didn’t want to be mean so I just kept making excuses and I started getting anxiety whenever she came into the room. It suuuucked.

I mean, most people show fake versions of themselves on IG, etc. Camera angles, air brushing, and lighting lie more to us everyday than this does.