
“Blah blah blah I voted for the racist and sexist shithead and therefore support his racist and sexist shitheadery blah blah blah I claim I can support some of Trump’s positions but not others even though all of his positions will be getting pushed through so clearly nothing I disagreed with him on was that important

“Waaaah! I’m whining, but you’re the snowflake. Waaaah! I can’t handle opinions that are different than mine, but you’re the one who needs a safe space. Waaah! I’m a wimpy beta, but I called you a cuck so that makes me a real man. Waaah! Waaah! Waaaaaaah! I spent the last 8 years calling the President a muslim and

It’s “throw,” not “through.” Which isn’t a typo it’s you misusing a basic word, illustrating your level of competence.

Typo’s happen

“Beat you all” you ask. Is that an implied “y’all” or a serious “ALL” as in, “I still don’t understand how millions of American votes don’t really figure into my silly question?”

Honered is not a word, so it definitely wasn’t autocorrect, you fucking moron.

Are you fucking serious? You’re going to make an argument that the president of the United fucking States shouldn’t be careful, deliberate, and make sure to not make silly mistakes? That’s a BAD quality? Fuck right off, you moron.

Not surprising, a pseudo-intellectual Trump supporter, who builds strawmen for a living and uses them to make his decisions.

Clearly expecting the President to proofread (or just fucking spellcheck) a 140 character statement is quite difficult, I can see how it only took 1 day to fuck up. Or maybe spelling honored correctly is something a child could do, when you’re on the Internet and literally have any reference you need at your

How long have you been in with the internet faux-rage crowd?

What is “’pout?” is one of many questions I thought while reading your idiotic triggered word salad.

There is absolutely nothing about your comment that makes sense.

So if he misspells it — he’s an idiot for not being able to type, but if he corrects it he’s an idiot for violating the law.. this going to get real old for the next 4 years.

Easy there, snowflake. Back to your safe place.

Oh a Trump supporter, don’t you have some African Americans or Muslims to verbally and physically assault?

You lack rational thinking skills and reading comprehension.

I found her whelming, but she gave me hope for something better

Which I’m sure is exactly why she’s saying that. sigh She’ll get some “geek cred” for posing the idea, knowing that she’ll never have to back up her words and appear in one of those comic movies again.

“Oh my god... I would love to be Mystique in the Guardians of the Galaxy. I wonder if that can happen?”

They’re far too proud of their technological terror.