
I’ve noticed when playing mine on the charger it does get pretty warm. Not burning or anything but it’s still worrying

Agreed on that front. I think one of the best anti-aggro things they could do is put Deathlord back into Standard. Deathlord + Dirty Rat + that 4/5 would lead to a pretty solid defensive core against these crazy aggro decks. It also could cause some good meta shifts. Loads of those around means control becomes more

Ragnaros is ran in many aggro decks as their only huge dude. I’ve seen Sylvanas ran in quite a lot of aggro decks too, strictly on the “this shit is so good to not have” Azure Drake is ran in several aggro decks too (Primarily the Pirate Dragon Warrior decks) because it is a pretty strong activator for their charge

No Tales of Symphonia!? or... you know... Smash Bros Melee?

Point of order, neither of the legendaries have “new” abilities. They are just Clear body/White Smoke and Multiscale renamed because... reasons?

Fortunately you don’t have to do that for the dungeons now!!

To be fair, they admitted this and offered up their coming fix to alter friendliness at Blizzcon

I hate this comment. So. Much.


Melting bad Croaks is one of my favorite past times. But actually good Croaks are a nightmare... (You gotta admit Croaks ex-Camo is preeeeeetty broken)

I spent 20 bucks and have played well over 20 hours of it and have had a blast the whole time. I’m not sure of your financial situation, but I always compare value to going to the movies, if I spend even 5 hours playing a 20 dollar game, it’s worth the money in my eyes. This game is an absolute blast to play, highly

Fuck Croak and people who play Croak. :P

Not true, Greed in Binding of Isaac

Counter point: Tracer is shit and people who play Tracer are shit. ;)