
I’ve noticed that America loves women (and girls) with potential, as long as that potential never turns into actually doing better than/challenging a man at anything.

So parents are the best qualified to make decisions for their children, but I cannot make my own decisions regarding my body?

[Cornell and Roger Ailes sit in Charon’s barge, and open their complimentary meals.]

What is this internalised misogyny of which you speak? Is it widespread?

He died doing what he loved...

Others will conclude this is why Marines shouldn’t be in women.

Also, the female version of Ann Coulter.

Republicans engineered the collapse of the American family by destroying the economy and cutting education, making sure kids know nothing about math, science, and human reproduction and make them feel like they’d be a “bad fit” for college, which the republicans make sure will be too expensive for them to attend,

If you start tallying up the Johnson/Stein votes in all of the Battleground States, why, you might just have Hillary giving her victory speech right now.

I don’t believe it’s cognitive dissonance. It’s confirmation bias: You seek information about your position using keywords and sources that tend to support your beliefs. Search terms are important.