Burners for Bernie

The original trial was not a jury trial.

Not sure if you read all the way through and perhaps I’m misinterpreting here but the article says it was a judge’s ruling that was overturned, not a jury’s. It seems fine to me that if one judge gets something wrong that a decision can be appealed. I think judge’s decisions get appealed in the US too.

You’re an expert on the South African legal system? When a judge makes an error, as this one did, why shouldn’t that be appealed? You think he should get away with murder because he got lucky that his judge was dumb?

Dude, you may be the only one that believes his story that he didn’t think he was shooting at his girlfriend.

Advance note: Not a lawyer here, so I fully accept that my take might not be perfect from that perspective.-

In reality, every patient in that clinic yesterday could have been there for reasons other than abortion. Like getting an IUD placed, screening for cancer, vaccines, checkups, labs- anything any other clinic does. Only a small percentage of PP services are abortions. The likelihood of this guy saving any “babies” is

You should see the tweets about how if any pregnant woman was at PP to get an abortion and was shot by this guy, she totally deserved it. Also how Dear saved many more babies’ lives than he took, so hey completely justified. Because unborn babies are the only innocent lives worth saving.

No joke. I am considering moving out of my house today as one of my housemates just said, “Good! I saw those videos of PP selling baby brains and they deserve to be brought down.”

Mentally ill or no, the rhetoric used by the GOP and far right’s antichoice attempt at a Planned Parenthood smear campaign worked on this man just like it works on people who wouldn’t go so far as to actually commit murder. People are genuinely thrilled this happened. I wish the anti choice bigots spreading messages

OK we'll send them all to your place. Please have them clean by morning. Thanks!

See, here’s the thing. Our side is not like your side. I know this confuses you, but you’ll have to get used to it, love.

Johari, girl, you my hero.