
Just a reminder that this is 14 and 12 and 8 and 6 and 1 delegates out of 1,990 needed to win the nomination, and out of the 3,979 total delegates. Like, for anyone still caring about or spreading wild-eyed conspiracy theories about or arguing over a single delegate...

The same reason he or she decided to post here instead of mailing the site directly about story ideas - nobody else is going to see it.

I was wondering the same thing! I just commented on an AV Club article that I had to turn off the Independent Spirit Awards show because they had invited Amber Heard and they cut to her laughing and smiling in the first few minutes of the show. So even though she has admitted to abusing her husband and mocked him

Cool article or whatever, but why are you gals so quiet in providing a follow-up to the Heard/Depp situation? You know, where it turns out Amber Heard is a serial abuser?

Such an amazingly thorough detail job would be more interesting on an old Lamborghini Miura.

As long as you have enough money to cover you in the event of an emergency if you do pay that smaller loan off in a lump sum, I say do it. It feels so good to have something paid off and you can roll your usual monthly payment for that loan into your larger one. Regular disclosure applies: I’m not a CFP, economist, or

I have said it before and I will say it again: Advertising (TV, print, internet, influencer) for all prescription drugs should be banned. The only arbiters of what drugs someone should be taking is the patient (or their representative if a minor/disabled/etc.) and their physician.  Period.

Sorry, if you are born with a penis you will never be a woman.  I don’t see how anyone can believe otherwise, lol.

I definitely feel the onus of providing for the picky kid falls to the parent, not the host, when attending a dinner party. They should bring something to serve their child that isn’t going to make more work for the host or interrupt the flow their dinner prep, like something in a container they can ask to microwave

you’re dumb phone is already slowing me down, how about do your job and just print your pass and have it be scanned in a fraction of a second instead of fumbling around, oops the screen just went to sleep, stupid finger print reader, dang put the wrong pin in, hold on. Just scan the paper and get out of the way

I rarely buy perishable items at Costco.  As most people said already, its dog food (yes perishable, but its a normal sized bad) and stuff for the house like TP.  The Cheez Ballz bucket is also single serving, so those wont be around long enough to go bad...

Expenses first, and here’s why: You can always carry those thrifty habits forward, regardless of your income. However, you can’t just spend what you want and HOPE your income changes.

I agree. This is such fake outrage.

I see reading comprehension definitely isn’t your forte. Show me again where I defended the ad?

This was my reaction. I find the outrage to be very second-wave, very white feminist. It’s ok that the boys like women and find them attractive and that this woman inadvertently gave them a show isn’t gross, its a funny accident.

Actually, I’m a master multi-tasker. And I’m also really good at prioritizing and picking my battles and not wasting my time on little shit that doesn’t matter.

I’m with you on this, don’t worry.

This commercial isn’t great, but I’m not seeing how it’s problematic. It’s tired and unoriginal, but the woman isn’t a passive object, she’s the main character. And she’s not being objectified, she’s accidentally doing something inappropriate in front of children.

Sure it’s a dumb ad but sorry, given the state of the world right now I can’t bring myself to muster up any outrage over something so minor and inconsequential.