
But...it is nothing. She’s made a mountain out of a molehill. Hell, I’ve had worse banter than this with the females in my office, and THEY started it. No, this is someone being super touchy and looking for an excuse. The guy apologized, and she still went off on a tirade. I’m not defending apple, or their employees,

Yeah, that really struck me, too. She completely ignores the apology and just continues hitting the same points.

Oh for fuck’s sake.

I seriously can’t tell if this article is satire. The woman “Danielle” sounds like a complete narcissist who absolutely refuses to accept a sincere apology multiple times, climbs leaps and bounds above the chain of command to the CEO of the company, gets a month paid leave, and comes back expecting what exactly? Did

In this example I think Danielle has overreacted greatly, especially considering the immediate apology after the joke. This is a problem in work environments though...not just Apple. but everywhere.

Gunning straight for that HR settlement no doubt. I read it more as a pop culture reference joke than a rape joke.

I feel no pity for this woman. Not once in the chat log was there anything alluding to rape, just the song. The rape portion of the song wasn’t even what they were joking about. The guy apologized MULTIPLE times, and yet she still felt the need to email Tim Cook (who by the way won’t read this petty crap anyways

So the guy apologizes multiple times for the joke and she keeps escalating it? I wouldn’t make a joke like that at work because it isn’t appropriate, but if someone apologizes while stating they will not do it again; it should be over right then. No need to escalate it right to the CEO without going through your

She didn't have to do that, and she didn't have to give that much, and she didn't have to ask her fans to help. Period. She did and that's awesome.

The platform logo card gets changed out daily. I don’t know why.

Beets only exist as a food because the nobles wouldn’t let the serfs eat anything that tasted good. No one should ever have borscht unless they’re starving.

The Stalker Defendants would be a good band name.

If you got so drunk that a mugger noticed and decided to take advantage of that, a lawyer wouldn’t attempt to use your drunkenness to get the mugger off charges.

“I can’t relate to what it’s like to be black, but I’m just going to go ahead and assume everyone black people are saying is nonsense and ignore their concerns.”

This is in no way an exaggeration.

You are underestimating the intense level of racism in america directed towards black people.

Keep in mind that one of the things that got George Zimmerman off the hook for shooting a seventeen year old was that he claimed he feared for his life. He also said what made him suspicious of the teenager walking around in his father’s neighborhood was that he was walking in the rain unhurriedly and kept looking

You are seriously underestimating what black people feel afraid of.

Agreed. He’s not saying Pokemon Go is bad or wrong, he’s just pointing out that loitering and wandering around with your phone like a creeper is more dangerous for a black person than a white person.

Hey!! If you had a cast & it was made entirely of cheddar cheese, would ya eat it? Heck. I know I would.