I’ve been told the LS400 was immune to degradation?
I’ve been told the LS400 was immune to degradation?
I’d like to see Hyundai make Genesis the cheap luxury option, moreso than anyone else in that market. With rebates you can damn near get a new Hyundai for cushion change. Not expecting it to be the same for their luxury brand, but it has to scream “VALUE” above and beyond anyone else out there.
So, so very fugly.
Lexus autos break down?
“For another, while steroids are tied to increased injury risk, anabolics aren’t the drug of choice for athletes anymore”
In Fallout 3 you could build your character in a way that eventually you had 10’s across the board for S.P.E.C.I.A.L. (that’s a PITA to type).
In the fle...uh...pixels.
I’m all for it. I don’t really see the downside for 99% of fans. More football spread out across the day/week and more international exposure to grow fanbases and potentially the talent pool.
Which I'm totally on board with. It's as legit a reason to follow a team as any other.
The departure of Craggs has been so brutul on us!
I agree with the rest, but this was a bad post mortem.
Good ol Billy...someone both the left and the right can agree on.
You’ve had some good write ups Burneko, to the point that I’m beginning to consider you not only a recipe scribe.
Then the dipshit should have done a better job of molding and fleshing out his message to a point where he’d get invited. His resume shows he understands politics. Either he’s actually an idiot (doubtful) or willfully ignorant of what it takes to get a message across.
What is up with the love for this guy? He wasn’t a real candidate. Nobody runs on a single point, and says he’ll leave office once that is accomplished.
Appreciate the response, even if I heartily disagree!
The one guy you’d kill if you could go back in time is Reagan?
Nah, it's Marshawn Lynch. Dude has been a Seahawk his whole career!
This is the problem with open/multi relationships. Sooner or later you're standing in a stranger's abode with the most confused boner you've ever had in your life, trying to figure out if you should toss it onto the 1000 count sheets or split.