You mention that you can eat beet greens, but you can also use carrot tops. "Carrot top tea" is actually pretty tasty, and has shit tons of vitamins and whatnot.
You mention that you can eat beet greens, but you can also use carrot tops. "Carrot top tea" is actually pretty tasty, and has shit tons of vitamins and whatnot.
I see you're new here, welcome to Deadspin!
“I was so into farina paninis before they were popular”
This is objectively the most literal response I’ve ever received.
Did that first person throw a fucking loaf of bread at the bear?
Yeah, well F&TF never caused me to stab a guy with a pen.
I learn something new every day. I must seek out this Brotherhood of Wolves you speak of.
Pretty much any Bourne movie, but especially the first one, Die Hard, Back to the Future movies (and again, especially the first one)...these are all classics that I watch numerous times a year simply because I’m working on my couch after the rugrat has gone to bed and I want something on in the background.
“Objectively" has become the new "literally".
I sing the Trogdor song a few times a week. As far as my search history shows, the internet never evolved past 2003.
I recommend the Seattle area. :). Especially if you're a runner!
Wow....I can’t say I feel sorry for you because you’re still living in one of the most exclusive areas of America, but made me feel sorry for my kid's doc.
For what it's worth, I'd put solid money on all three of them having strangled a hooker to death.
I’m pretty firmly planted in the ‘always pays with cash’ crowd. Though if I found a zero-per of any length, even I would consider it. There’s still downside in the known risk of giving up your money today vs. the unknown risk of carrying a loan to a future point where you’re not sure you’ll have the money to cover it,…
I'm guessing they feel the same way about Chip.
I’m still going with LOL, because unless you make less than $100K in like NYC, then you’re getting close to the '1%' conversation even if you’re on the lower end of the MD spectrum.
Lol aren't you a doctor?
My senior year of HS, for Christmas one of my stocking stuffers was two massive bags of salted peanuts. Not in the shell...just peanuts.
The second half of my freshman year of college, I got very serious about dieting and weight lifting, and ended up getting down to having honest to goodness 6 pack abs by the time school got out (this is not my normal MO in regards to my midsection).
I’d like to thank Forza 6 for introducing me to this course. It’s now one of my favorites. Road Atlanta is still my tops, but I was shocked at how enjoyable this course is to drive.