I would have paid extra tip and bought shots for the back of the house if I was seated next to that jerk's table. Never worked food for these reasons and I feel sorry for them when a-holes like this shit on the servers.
I would have paid extra tip and bought shots for the back of the house if I was seated next to that jerk's table. Never worked food for these reasons and I feel sorry for them when a-holes like this shit on the servers.
I really wonder how often abusers disassociate during the abuse and genuinely don't remember what they did., or convince themselves over time that it didn't happen.
Unfortunately, it's an old standard, and it's always been fucking gross.
We've reached the point where BC rape accusations are just becoming a part of the everyday national discourse. "Well, Bob, it's 45 and clear out with gusty winds from the Southwest, and 2 more women have come forward against Bill Cosby."
I am just about to head to work in customer service for 14 hours. THANK YOU for this. For every week of this. I love them all.
hah! i don't understand how people think that denying someone a future of their abusive behavior is a threat.
one thing i love about bco is after it gets posted, people flood it with more awesome stories. it's the gift that keeps on giving.
"Now, that first story might not seem to be some huge righteous vengeance,..."
You may not accuse me of racism, sexism, blah blah-ish without asking me for my point of view first. I may or may not choose to give it to you.
Thank you for this article. It makes you wonder how many other celebrities have abused women and had their people take care of it. Hopefully the Cosby/Ghomeshi revelations will have any other abusers quaking in their boots.
Without Andrea Constand, none of this happens. Bill Cosby is still America’s No. 1 dad, still beloved for giving us…
I KNEW everyone better than me was cheating. Knew it all along!
i am shocked, SHO-
"Well, maybe I will come to your country then. And eat all of your bread!"
Waiter, *angrily*: "Well, maybe I will come to your country then. And eat all of your bread!"
Great, now I'm craving hash browns. Who wants to go to waffle house?
Yep, that was BY FAR my favorite part of this article. Paparazzo are the absolute scum of the earth. Following around people's CHILDREN with cameras, getting in their faces, then having the fucking audacity to accuse Arquette of being a bad mom because she cursed at him?! Are you kidding me? These people have no…
Patricia Arquette is my new hero. Best takedown of a pap ever. And she's right. I need to add that to the list of things to teach my daughter. Tell men who are following and harassing you to fuck off. Loudly.
It's just not fair, how you white people suffer.