your years are all over the place. Boyhood came out the same year as Birdman
your years are all over the place. Boyhood came out the same year as Birdman
First off a 34% bump is huge. Most of these movies are small and have small budgets. Second, using most of America as a barometer is dumb. Most of America has shitty taste. Oscar nominations most definitely help people who actually like movies decide where they are going to spend their money.
keep saying fuck them then we’ll be sitting here bitching about Trump 2020 inauguration
that’s a really good point. If a young politician could adopt that message we could win easy
my only issue is it dominates the conversation and message we presented. That’s all we were this time around
this guys not a comedian or funny, so that might be an issue
Yeah that is amazing but dunking isn’t mechanical. Vince Carter’s dunks were more aesthetically appealing.
ya the 1/3 was way better than the rest IMO largely because of him
I really liked Moonlight, but mostly loved the first 1/3rd where he was in it. He was amazing. The scene at the beach was beautiful.
The Process absolutely was the right idea, but the execution wasn’t good. Too many centers
so good tho
the replies of people on here being like “Uhh why would I want to feel bad, I can’t handle this nowwww” are pretty crazy. Like it’s a sad show, if you like it good if not whatever, too.
sometimes people say things accidentally. Not sure if that is the case, but if it is then I feel bad for him
yeah there is some cutting, but Disney is super rich. Like top 100 companies in the world rich. They can pay for whatever they want. Just assuming they dropped a lot of talent in the past because they were going in a different direction (Bayless, Simmons, Olberman)
‘When you retire, run. Never look back.’ seems like really really good advice. I’m sure the looking back has really hurt a lot of former pros
Best ever the same year David Bowie dies lmao. There are at least 50-100 artists/groups whose discography’s shit on hers
I’m pretty sure this article was meant to compliment her. There are plenty of white guys (and black men and women) who in her class who we could isolate and they will do just as good or better, but that isn’t what this was going for
I just don’t think it works as art pop or pop. It falls somewhere uncomfortably in between IMO
she falls between pop music and art music. What you get is average pop without much art. Luckily for her most of her fans listen to her and a bunch of crap so to them it is brilliant.
ya it would never happen and it is impossible. My family was all poor and in Ireland until 2 generations after slavery was abolished and I’m sure there are many other like can they make others like me pay? I think the answer is to continue trying to level the playing field, rather than giving sum lump sum