
I’m surprised

it’s the dumbest fucking term every, too. It’s just being a condescending asshole and being a man I guess? Not sure, but I know a lot of men and women who are like that

omg shut up! He wasn’t even explaining anything

ahhh women can’t do anything but cook and clean....

is this satire? WTF? Donald Glover is VERY popular with white people.

Mac and Dennis break up in the fn 60s..jesus

I f’n love the Steelers, too. I am an asshole, too

it has popped because all of the big dogs are off the table. The next NFL contract will influence the market more than the other way around IMO

that is crazy. You could put any commenter on those teams instead of him and they still win gold

it would be great for LA as it would force the government to speed up infrastructure improvements. It’s good for basically any first world country IMO


The fact they only have one real receiver and a lack of healthy TEs hurts. Teams have been triple teaming AB.

Big Ben is a lock (went to 3 Super Bowls, won 2..has been a top 5 QB for most of the time and has been on a winning team pretty much every year). Eli is a very probable IMO

I know for a fact there have been plenty of marches against trump that included men

yep, number 2 is huge

2 sources, that is the difference between you and a real reporter

southern italians have more in common with Hispanics than they do w/ English 

the pats? With murderer Aaron Hernadez, picking up blacked out Floyd, filming opponents before AFC Championship games, deflategate, etc...

Richard “I went to Stanford it’s the first thing I’ll tell you” Sherman

is this sarcasm? sorry I can’t tell