
It makes me sad that the 80s are now the old days.

No, Katherine. You can call it tasteless and immature, but it’s not homophobic. Colbert wasn’t calling anyone gay, nor was he belittling gay people. His joke was about power and obsequiousness. In eighth-grade locker rooms across the country, boys are commanding other boys to “suck my dick.” The aggressor doesn’t

Precisely. This is why Audi, et al, still use “insane” (seriously) knobs. You can adjust things without sticking your eyes on a screen. The author is focused on what’s pretty tech-wise, not the human factors analysis.

Coincidentally, the border guards that intimidated me the most were Canadian. The first time I drove to Canada, I expected the cheery, good-natured Canadians we all know and love. But holy shit, this guy made me feel like I was committing a crime.

They can’t get it through their skulls because it’s what they—sometimes secretly and sometimes overtly—get raging hard-ons for. The core of their existence is “my invisible friend in the sky told me that we’re better and we’ll prevail, either here or in the afterlife...” This is what causes them to support these

This. This is precisely it. And no one else picks up on it.

Twenty-five year military veteran here who, in the past, has held senior positions in recruiting. I agree with Hamilton’s assessment—I wouldn’t recommend entering the business right now either. But your supposition that the “majority of the people joining are doing so because they lack the skills/discipline to hold