
Because companies are always finding ways to change things that aren’t a problem. They could’ve allowed people who have an issue with the backspace action to turn it off in settings. But they ditched a near universal setting. That’s like Google just deciding it didn’t like the copy/paste shortcuts and screw everyone

I like to rock compartmentalism with nighttime shower crying along with private outbursts of rage (usually in the form of car yelling and cursing.)

I fold it and keep using it. Waste not want not.

Oh god.

Combo style ass-wiping. Slight stand-crouch for maximum penetration. How the fuck does one stand and wipe their ass?

I actually can't even picture how you wipe your ass while sitting. Like, I reach my hand pretty much into the toilet bowl under my balls? What if I took an enormous shit that is peaking above the water? Why would anyone risk that? I wasn't even aware sitting to wipe was a thing people did. What the actual fuck.

We have an air filter in our bedroom. It has a half dozen LEDs. Totally unnecessary, because I can hear what speed it’s running at. Without the tape and aluminium foil it lights up the room like the full moon, no kidding. Sure, two of them indicate a dirty filter. I’ve still used a permanent marker to dim those.

From the article: “My ideal Armageddon Fund size is $1,000,000 in multiple CDs yielding ~$25,000 in interest a year. I figure that if all goes to hell, I can at least move back home to Hawaii and live for free while surviving off $2,084/month until the world recovers. If I had to live off more, I’d start eating my

If they want to remove apps that are outdated or incompatible, they should at least have the decency to pop up a notification or an approval page. Something along the lines of “We have found that this/these applications can cause problems or are outdated. Would you like to remove them?”. This would be like taking your

Why? So when your financial institution call to tell you your card have possibly been compromise, you won’t have the call? Or the insurance company to tell you the billing didn't received your money and insurance could lapse? Or your brother company phone? Or just the delivery guys for your pizza?

the cost of living has risen since then, and it’s safe to conclude that salaries have risen along with it.