BurnerInParis-The Darkness

Sorry but really just came to comment: GOD DAMN ANGELA BASSETT, HOW???? She is so beautiful.

I’m sorry you’re feeling so alone and afraid. I don’t have any real knowledge of T2D, but might suggest looking into groups on Facebook if you’re on there. I have a sort of related condition (polycystic ovarian syndrome, which increases your risk of developing T2D) and I’ve found a couple good groups on FB. I’ve also

That was a very cool, dramatic moment that elicited gasps and all kinds of vocal reactions from the audience I saw this with.

In the spring of 2010, I was finishing my last year of college. I had turned in my thesis paper, and thus had two

Oh, we’re definitely canceling MineCraft, and Notch. Besides, Sims 4 is my new jam anyways:

You might consider talking to a bankruptcy lawyer who might be able to get your medical debt cleared and possibly some of your student debt if your medical needs hit a certain measure of disability such that they could be discharged in bankruptcy.


It’s fine, I’m sure she only dated him because he was black and appearing transgressive to middle America was her whole bread and butter.

Craft Thread! My last craft Thread for a couple weeks because on Friday I leave for a 10-day Outlander tour of Scotland with my mom! So stoked.

I’m drinking a beautiful (ahem bottle of) Rosé. I recently started a job at a fancy schmancy winery and get free/discounted wine by the buttload, so I’ve been quite content in my new perks. Even if it’s part time....which also works because YAY I started my own business!

I am now being PAID...PAAAAIIID to make art and

xxxHolic is way better than The Hunger Games.

This is like the 80’s when crack flooded the blocks of poor black urban neighborhoods and nobody cared except now its poor white rural areas and nobody cared either, at least were reaching racial equality in not caring about the poor.

Hey so for cover letters, just switch it up by looking at the things they list as priorities and then use your experience for that. Like, I mostly do customer service but I have had jobs that dealt with file management and data entry, so I sent this for a higher ed job that would include establishing a file system

You started one and did one post. That is a pretty big deal, imo. Could you tell me what you used to build your site?

Oh hell, just make up a name. If they say they can’t find it, blame it on the interwebz and the crazy stats that get you top listing on Google.

When rude people ask me what I do, I say “I’m a Stay-At-Home Girlfriend.”

I completely feel you. As someone laid off twice and is currently freelancing/unemployed, organize your day whenever possible. My sister and I meet weekly to brainstorm business ideas and goals.

Following for the answers. I can totally relate. It’s very difficult to job search while you’re feeling down - speaking from experience. Every expert I’ve talked to keep pushing LinkedIn, but damnit I don’t want to really be on there (I don’t love the idea that everyone under the sun can suddenly know you’re entire

Are you me? Because you sound an awful lot like me. Best of luck to the both of us. *hugs*