Burner II: Electric Boogaloo

I listened to the Wait Wait podcast and they explained that Doug’s title is officially Benevolent Overlord. It’s in his contact. He was promoting someone whose name I can’t remember to Executive Producer and they said that was his title and you can only have one EP. So he said he didn’t care, pick something. So they ma

I’ll give you the suggestion I had for replacing Kevin Spacey in House of Cards:

Serious suggestion: Jennifer Aniston should replace her and no one notices.

Finally gave into Stavros’s wiles and absconded with him back to Greece

She got into USC on a rowing scholarship. 

Does it have to be with your sister?

Wow that was painful to watch.

Don’t blame him for his own death! That cop murdered him, period.


Evil eats its way from the inside out.

Why is the “satire” always about getting along with alt right/white supremacist guys and participating eagerly in their videos?

“He might have whored out his morals and beliefs for money but does that make him so bad?”

There’s plenty of longtime AV Club commenters who have no compunction about defending racist, sexist and homophobic behavior at the drop of a hat.

Defending someone from accusations of racism by saying they post on /mu/ is like saying he couldn’t have stabbed someone to death because he’s a connoisseur of knives.

You’d think watching the entire “it’s just satire guys!” strategy fall apart with PewDiePie would have taught ya’ll something, but apparently not. This is not what satire is. Being buddy-buddy with a bunch of alt-right figures is not satire. And fucking a Black woman no more makes you not-racist than fucking a woman

Anyone who says a bunch of vile shit and tries to play it off as satire or shitposting can go straight to hell. It’s not an acceptable excuse.

Well, first he got famous by playing “scary” games and making a lot of rape jokes.

Then he hired some indigenous people to hold up a sign that said “Hitler was right” or something? It was both blatantly offensive AND involved the exploitation of the poor and underrepresented.

Anyhow, he’s used the N word on stream more

Wait...you mean to tell me that a white guy, with that facial hair, who makes his living on YouTube...is a piece of shit?