
He let slip that the long con is real???

I have no problem with them having stolen virtual currency. I do have a problem with them using invulnerability hacks.


Would I?

It’s seem unnatural how unattractive the trump men are.

The Yankees are just pissed that somebody has found a way to bring food into the stadium.

Update: Tony Romo was also injured on the play.

Side note, the Angels are installing breast augmentation stations at their stadium.

I’d question his motivation here, but with that American flag tie, I’m positive this is a well-informed and potent argument.

Well yeah but I am bored as shit at the moment.

Well, let’s see how quickly he can stiff investors, etc. & run this business into the ground. 💅🏾

If women can breast feed in public, I can piss into a cup. Same fucking principle. You expel fluid into a waiting receptacle.

My dad always said it’s not really Gatorade in there, but I had no idea.

I’d make a Washington Foreskins joke, but it doesn’t seem apropos, based on the photo.

American Indian is acceptable to many of us. Although we like it if you refer to us by the name of our nation.

I’m sad and disappointed that Indigenous American issues aren’t addressed at all in the federal election.

The most unrealistic thing which gives it away right from the start, is the idea of anyone that obsessed with Slender Man having a girl friend for that long.

What I find amazing is that Slenderman is wholly a creation of the Internet, yet has is somehow reaching status of mainstream myths handed down for centuries. Kids have attempted murder for him.

If you know someone’s name and room number, you can just get a key from the front desk. “Hello, my name is Dwight Shrute in room 209. I left my keys in my room, could I get a spare?” I know this because I’ve actually left my keys in the room several times and every hotel I’ve ever been to has asked AT MOST the name