
So is Jesus.

I am coming to accept the fact that the United States of America has never been and may never be, a progressive country.

Well, there’s the rub. The audience for this book does not include Jezebel readers, so their boycott of it will have no effect.

Close enough for Jezebel.

I’m not the one demanding equal representation. I’m just trying to find the logic and consistency of the policy described in the article.

Art is subject to criticism. Get over it.

Either way, it’s his group identity that really matters, not his individual experience or character.

Jezebel, of course. Keep clicking, babe.

If gender parity and representation are so important to the 1975 and their fans, why aren’t there any women in the band? Why don’t they hold themselves to the same standard they demand of their employers?

Great point.

Not assholes. Potential assholes.