Etan Cohen is also the writer of Idiocracy, Tropic Thunder, and Walk Hard. So his putting out something like this is especially heartbreaking.
Or stand-up comedians will joke about ANYTHING, especially with one another because people in that line of work don’t actually believe that hardly anything is actually off limits. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That’s about the only part that tracks. Health commissions don’t fuck around.
95% is an AMAZING rate of fulfillment for 2-day shipping. I kindly suggest you STFU.
“Around 5% of my orders in the past three years”
Can we please post tons of Bowsette art in the comments? Asking for a friend
Hmm. Not really. But keep working on your graduate thesis! :)
I don’t think Kirk will be *too* embarrassed if I share here what I emailed to the staff:
So why were Raimi suit stans so worked up over the lack of this one particular suit?
That’s what yo tiny ass gets Kevin! You never shoulda gave Dave’s son that Kevin Heart jersey.
I’ve owned 2, and driven then a combined 140k without issue - please tell me about your BMW experience.
Luke, link my Hohokum review, you coward.
“Caroline Dazey says there are 'little pockets of them in Victoria and we try to keep their location secret to keep them safe’.”
You’re kind of a douche.
On a related note, that also cancels any plans I had on purchasing the game.
The Vita lives!! (also holy bejeezus what a concept!)
For the multi-tasking homophobe on the go!
Actually those realistic designs looks pretty freakin good.