

I love how all these “new economy” folks, with their “do no evil” credos, black t-shirts and dude-bro attitudes have all turned into the corporate America they once professed to despise.

I’m just waiting for some brilliant network executive to do a “Three’s Company” reboot with her, Tomi, and Milo. Wanna bet that’s NRA TV’s first scripted series?

It is all interconnected. The NRA is a fear-mongering organization bent not only on selling more guns (to fewer and fewer people), but also on “protecting ‘Murican FREEDOM!!”. This fear of “elites” taking over and taking away “your rights” is such a load of bullcrap it’s laughable. But sadly, in this crazy world we

Completely agree with you, and frankly, if the government wants to take you out you wouldn’t know what hit you.

Considering that a lot of today’s warfare is conducted online, I’m okay with putting a laptop in the back of a car (all American made, though good luck finding one of those) and driving it down Pennsylvania Avenue.

And in the meantime our public lands are being sold off to the highest bidder, our community health centers are closing due to lack of funds, courts are being stacked by these right wing nut jobs, and the Russians aren’t just on the front lawn, they’re in the White House. Deflect, deflect, deflect.

There’s room for McConnell, though (yes, I know this isn’t The Slot - but I couldn’t resist.)

Just gate-checked a bag with a battery. They asked if my bag had a battery, and was asked to remove it at the podium before they tagged and took my bag. Popped the battery out, and handed the bag over.

She’s likely done with that given her age. They’ll just go with “dried up old b*tch,” when the misogynistic shitstorm hits. And it will...

My money’s on Rep. Booker running for President in 2020, or even 2024. (Man, it feels really weird writing “2024").

Thanks for the info - I wasn’t sure if I had it right. BTW, both my teens got the meningitis vaccine. Lots of colleges are “suggesting” it prior to moving into the dorms. They both got the HPV vaccines, too - my daughter AND my son. My nephew got Pertussis when he was in college - he’d been vaccinated as a child, but

Just saw your post.

Yes, the meningitis vaccination is given to teens / young adults. The vax is for VIRAL meningitis. Seems this poor baby died from bacterial meningitis, which, if they hadn’t been “holistic health” whackjobs could have been treated with antibiotics.

Hells yeah.

Talk about Kontinuity errors.

I’m willing to cut her a break. I, for one, frequently mix up Eleanor Roosevelt and Jimmy Buffett.

I’m waiting for “The Book of Mormon” movie. Live, not animated.

Hey, Bobby - Could you please post a picture of that festering sore, and let everyone know that it’s much, much better thanks to SkinPaste?

Or your toddler won’t give you a hug and accidentally shoot you in the gut.